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Who Is the Main Character in Wuthering Waves? Answered
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The main character in Wuthering Waves is called Rover. There are two playable Rovers, Male and Female, and players can choose either one at the start of the game. In the story, Rover has an unknown past and he/she is exploring the world to find answers about their past. Players can use any name as the Rover's name in Wuthering Waves. This name will also be the username of the account.

Wuthering Waves Pre-Download Size and How to Pre-Install
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Wuthering Waves pre-download is currently available on Android and iOS devices. The pre-download on Epic Games Store has not released yet, and we expect it to release on 3:00 AM PT today. The pre-download size on Android is 7.75 GB, on iOS is 9.4 GB, and on PC is 18.75 GB approximately.

Wuthering Waves 1.0 Events and Rewards
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Wuthering Waves will feature 6 events on release, both ongoing and special. The events in version 1.0 will reward two 4-star resonators, Sanhua and Yuanwu. Other than the free 4-star resonators, the events will also reward Astrites, Lustrous Tides, Radiant Tides, and much more.

Does Wuthering Waves Have Controller Support? Answered
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Wuthering Waves has controller support on PC, added in the game after the CBT2 ended. The game is currently releasing on PC and mobile (iOS and Android), with future plans of console release. However, there is no official confirmation for controller support on mobile.

Ghost of Tsushima PC Performance Review: Slice Smoothly
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Ghost of Tsushima is almost a perfect PC port with very few glitches and bugs. The game looks gorgeous in PC and overshadows most modern games. The game runs without many hiccups, with occasional drops in performance while travelling in specific graphic intensive areas. The combat remains mostly unaffected from the occasional FPS drops and stutters. To confirm that, we decided to test the game on our own test bench at FHD and 2K resolutions. Here's what we found.

Wuthering Waves 1.0 Banners: Characters and Weapons
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Wuthering Waves version 1.0 will be in two phases, between May 22 to June 26. The first phase of the banner features the resonators Jiyan, Danjin, Chixia, Mortefi, and the weapons Verdant Summit, Dauntless Evernight, Augment, and Hollow Mirage. The second phase of the banner features Yinlin, Taoqi, Aalto, Yuanwu, and the weapons Stringmaster, Jinzhou Keeper, Cadenza, and Lunar Cutter.

Wuthering Waves First Banner Leaked — Jiyan and Yinlin
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Wuthering Waves first banner is expected to feature Jiyan, Danjin, Chixia, and Mortefi in phase 1. The phase banners of version 1.0 is expected to feature Yinlin, with the 4-star characters still unknown. The Wuthering Waves standard banner is expected to feature Calcharo, Verina, Encore, Lingyang, and Jianxin.

Wuthering Waves Echo System Explained
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The Wuthering Waves Echo system is similar to the Relic or Artifact system in Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact. Echoes can be captured by defeating enemies in the overworld or farming Echo domains. Echoes give a stat boost to the Resonators and also provide a unique Echo ability. Other than that, equipping two or five Echoes of the same element can unlock Echo set effects.

Wuthering Waves Countdown: Release Date and Time
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Wuthering Waves will be released on May 22, 2024, on Android, iOS, and PC. The game is available for pre-registration and will reward players for pre-registering. Players can try out the Echo Summon web event before the game releases to learn about the Echoes and get many rewards, including reserving one of the summoned Echoes.

Wuthering Waves Reveal Livestream Date and Time (Countdown)
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Wuthering Waves Reveal Livestream is scheduled for May 19, 2024, at 18:30 (PT). The livestream will feature many guests, including Havian, Rexlent, Matthew Stewart, and Zekia Aru.Rinh, and Rebecca Yeo. The program will reveal the latest updates of Wuthering Waves leading up to the official release.

Wuthering Waves Echo Summon Web Event Guide
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Wuthering Waves is conducting an Echo summoning web event between April 29 to June 6, 18:00 (UTC+8). Players can carry forward one of the summoned Echo of their choice to the game on release. Other than that, players can also earn Astrite, Advanced Resonance Potion, Advanced Energy Core, Advanced Sealed Tube, and Shell Credits for summoning all the Echoes.

Wuthering Waves Reroll Guide: Which Banners & Characters You Should Pull
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Wuthering Waves will feature seven 5-star characters on release — Jiyan, Yinlin, Calcharo, Verina, Encore, Lingyang, and Jianxin. Players will need to create multiple dummy accounts before release to reroll for the perfect account as the game doesn't have guest login. Rerolling will take roughly 1 - 1.5 hours roughly for each account. The tutorial and early story to unlock the Convene (banners) is around 35-40 minutes long.

Wuthering Waves Leak: You Don’t Have to Waste Pulls for Constellations, You Can Buy Them
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In Wuthering Waves CBT2, players could purchase character duplicates using the in-game currency Afterglow Corals. The Afterglow Corals is received after pulling character copies from banners, including 4-star characters. There is no official information yet about whether this feature will be implemented in the full release of the game or not.

Wuthering Waves: Confirmed Release Date, Characters, Combat & Platforms
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Wuthering Waves is set to release on May 22, 2024. The game features a unique and impactful combat system, which is both easy to play and hard to master. There are six elements currently in Wuthering Waves: Fusion, Glacio, Electro, Aero, Havoc, and Spectro. The elements can cause a unique take on elemental reaction, called Concerto effects. The movement mechanics of Wuthering Waves is a breath of fresh air, allowing players to run up the mountains, double-jump, glide, and grapple.

Honkai Star Rail 2.3 Leaked Banners Reveal Star-Studded Phase 1 Lineup
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Honkai Star Rail 2.3 is expected to release on June 18, and will feature Firefly and Jade as the two new characters. According to leaks, Firefly and Ruan Mei will feature in the first half of the HSR 2.3 banners, while Jade and Argenti will feature in the second half. If the leaks are accurate, then the Light Cone banners will feature the signature Light Cones of Firefly, Ruan Mei, Jade and Argenti.

Wuthering Waves Pre-register Guide and Rewards
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Wuthering Waves is releasing on May 22, 2024, and the game will reward players for pre-registering. Players can pre-register for Wuthering Waves on the Epic Games Store, iOS App Store, Google Play Store, and through the official website. All the Pre-registration Rewards are Shell Credit, Advanced Resonance, Astrite, Sigil: En Route, Lustrous Tide, and Rangers’ Series Weapon of Choice.

Honkai Star Rail 2.2 Surprised Players with a Fake Ending and It’s a Class of Touch
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Honkai Star Rail 2.2 trailblazing mission shook the community by fooling everyone with a fake ending. The mission is among the best in the game's history, featuring heavy lore drops, philosophical questions, massive reveals, and a very strong end fight. The Penacony story arc will go down as one of the best story arcs done by HoYoverse.

All Wuthering Waves Characters List
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Wuthering Waves is releasing on May 22 with seven 5-star and nine 4-star characters. All the 5-star characters in Wuthering Waves are Calcharo, Encore, Jianxin, Jiyan, Lingyang, Verina, and Yinlin. All the 4-star characters in Wuthering Waves are Aalto, Baizhi, Chixia, Danjin, Mortefi, Sanhua, Taoqui, Yangyang, and Yuanwu.

Genshin Impact 4.6 Banners: Phase 1 and Phase 2
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Genshin Impact 4.6 was released on April 24, 2024, and will end on June 03, 2024. The first half of the Genshin 4.6 Character banner features Arlecchino, Lyney, Xiangling, Freminet, and Lynette while the second half will feature Wanderer and Baizhu. The first half of Genshin Impact 4.6 weapon banner features Crimson Moon's Semblance and The First Great Magic, and the second half will feature Tulaytullah's Remembrance and Jadefall's Splendor.

HSR Sunday Boss Guide: How to Defeat Harmonious Choir The Great Septimus
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Harmonious Choir The Great Septimus, is the final boss in the Honkai Star Rail 2.2 Trailblazing missions. He has a massive Toughness and health bar with strong damage-dealing attacks. To defeat him, choose characters with Fire, Lightning, and Imaginary damage types, and make sure they have multi-target attacks. Also choose characters scaling on Break Effect and use Break Effect relics, if possible. Focus on weakness breaking the Choir minions first, and then target the Great Septimus. During the third phase, only focus on breaking the 10 layers of toughness bar on Sunday.

Honkai Star Rail Boothill: Kit, Best Build, Relics and Team Comps
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Boothill is a 5-star Hunt character in Honkai Star Rail with Physical Damage type and his kit is focused on Break Effect damage. The 4-piece Champion of Streetwise Boxing and 2-piece Firmament Frontline: Glamoth are his best Relics and Planar Ornaments. The best team comp for Boothill is Boothill (DPS), Ruan Mei (Support), Bronya (Support), and Fu Xuan (Sustain).

Honkai Star Rail: Hope is the Thing With Feathers Location
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Hope is the Thing with Feathers is an OST for the Harmonious Choir The Great Septimus and Sunday battle at the end of the 2.2 missions. You can obtain the Hope is the Thing with Feathers OST in Penacony and play it in the Astral Express. This OST is located in the Golden Hour, east of the Clockie Statue. Speak with the Vexed Pepeshi Guest and Lonely Intellitron Guest to get it.

Genshin Impact will do a major visual overhaul in the version 5.0 Natlan update, upgrading the overall visuals and functions of the game. This means that the game will have a higher performance requirement after the Natlan update while keeping the minimum requirements the same. Players may see a slight visual performance drop after the Natlan update, as the resolution of some image details of smaller objects and the effect range of some special effects will be decreased for older devices.

Is Acheron in HSR Really Raiden Mei from Honkai Impact 3rd?
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Honkai Star Rail 2.2 trailblazing missions revealed Acheron's real name, Raiden Bosenmeri Mei, stirring both Honkai Star Rail and Honkai Impact 3rd communities. Acheron is the same as Raiden Mei from Honkai Impact 3rd, but from a different timeline. Both of them have a lot of similarities and connections but are not entirely the same characters.

When is Honkai Star Rail 2.2 Coming Out (Countdown Timer)
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HSR version 2.2 will be released on May 8, 2024, at 11:00 AM (UTC + 8). The Maintenance Break will start at 06:00 (UTC+8) and will last for approximately 5 hours, rewarding 300 Stellar Jades. The Preload size for version 2.2 on PC is 16 GB, and on iOS and Android users is 12 GB approximately. The actual installation size is always smaller compared to the download size.

Honkai Star Rail: Boothill Materials and Farming Guide
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Honkai Star Rail 2.2 will release Boothill, the new 5-star Hunt character who is a DPS and can initial duels with enemies. All of his character ascension materials are Tatters of Thought, Fragments of Impression, IPC Work Permit, and Shards of Desires. All of his trace level-up materials are Meteoric Bullet, Destined Expiration, Countertemporal Shot, Salutations of Ashen Dreams Boss Material, Tatters of Thought, Fragments of Impression, Shards of Desires, and Tracks of Destiny.

Should You Pull Clorinde in Genshin Impact 4.7
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Clorinde is a very strong Electro main-DPS and she is also good for free-to-play players. She continues the Bond of Life focused mechanic, similar to Arlecchino, and her kit appears to be very strong. Her kit and elements make her very versatile as she can work with many different teams. Healers can synergize well with Clorinde, giving her more Bond of Life through healing.

Genshin Impact: All Primal Construct Locations and Farming Guide
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Primal Constructs are a type of enemy in Genshin Impact. There are three types of Primal Constructs: Prospector, Reshaper, and Repulsor. The Primal Constructs drop Radiant Prism, Turbid Prism, and Damaged Prism, which can be used to ascend many weapons in the game. There are 128 Primal Constructs in the Sumeru Desert Region of Genshin Impact and you can easily farm the materials in 9 specific locations.

Best Clorinde Weapons in Genshin Impact (Ranked)
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Clorinde is a Main DPS unit and can pair well with most DPS-focused swords that scale on Attack. The Finale of the Deep is the best free-to-play weapon for Clorinde, and Mistsplitter Reforged is her best alternative option. Clorinde's Signature Weapon, Absolution, is her best sword option. It provides a strong Crit Damage boost and scales damage based on her Bond of Life.

Manor Lords: Finally, a Strategy Game Worth My Time Is Here!
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Manor Lords is the one strategy game I had been dreaming about for ages, with RTS combat combined with free-flowing city building. The game returns some of my favorite features from old strategy games, controlling armies in real time and engaging in battle, being able to build anything anywhere, and the ability to scout enemies. Add the hyper-realistic graphics and it ticks every box I have been looking for in a new age strategy game.

Best Clorinde Teams in Genshin Impact (Ranked)
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Clorinde is going to be one of the strongest DPS characters in the game. She is a Electro hyper carry with a focus on Normal attacks, and her kit is also focused on Bond of Life. The best teams of Clorinde will help trigger her passives quickly and maximize her damage output. The best Clorinde teams are Overload, Electro-charged, Quickbloom, and Aggravate teams.

The Real Villain of Honkai Star Rail Is Not Who You Think It Is
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Honkai Star Rail has a massive cosmos with multiple factions and god-like beings called Aeons, all driven by their Path and belief. One thing that has been missing, or hard to understand, in the game is a main villain. So far, we have seen Nanook and other followers of Destruction, Stellarons, and the Swarm as the main villains of the cosmos.

Genshin Impact Clorinde Materials and Farming Guide
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Genshin Impact 4.7 will feature Clorinde, the new 5-star Electro character who is a hyper-carry. All of her character ascension materials are Vajrada Amethyst, Transoceanic drops, Lumitoile, and Fontemer Unihorn. All of her talent ascension materials are Transoceanic drops, Talent Books Justice, Everamber, and Crown of Insight.

Genshin Impact 4.6: Savoring the Breeze Web Event Guide
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Play the Savoring the Breeze Web Event in Genshin Impact by visiting the web event website and logging into your account. Obtain Inspiration through various tasks to receive customers daily. Mix different items to create drinks based on the customer's requirements to gain their approval and earn rewards.

Best Light Cones for Robin in Honkai Star Rail (Ranked)
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Honkai Star Rail 2.2 version's first phase will feature Robin, the new 5-star Physical Harmony character. Robin is an offensive Support unit and only has a few effective options for her Light Cones. Chorus Light Cone is the best free-to-play Light Cone for Robin. Robin's Signature Light Cone, Flowing Nightglow, is her best Light Cone option.

Robin in Honkai Star Rail: Should You Pull Her in HSR 2.2?
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Robin is a 5-star Physical Harmony character, and her kit is a mix of offensive and support elements. She is an excellent choice if you have a Follow-up attack focused team. Robin appears to be better than both Ruan Mei and Sparkle in terms of raw damage numbers. She has great offensive and support abilities, making her a good pick for most teams.

Honkai Star Rail 2.2: All Events and Rewards
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The Honkai Star Rail 2.2 version will add one trailblazing mission and six new events. The upcoming 2.2 events are Clockie Dreamjoy Memoir, The Legend of Galactic Baseballer, All About Boothill, Gift of Odyssey, Planar Fissure, and Garden of Plenty. The Honkai Star Rail 2.2 events will reward Self Modeling Resins, Stellar Jades, a free 4-star Light Cone, Tracks of Destiny, Chat Box, Star Rail Premium Passes, Traveler's Guide, Lost Crystals, and Credits.

Honkai Star Rail Robin: Kit, Best Build, Relics & Team Comps
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Robin is a 5-star Harmony character in Honkai Star Rail with Physical Damage type and her kit is suited for Support. The 4-piece Musketeer of Wild Wheat and 2-piece Space Sealing Station are her best Relics and Planar Ornaments. The best teams for Robin is Clara (DPS), Topaz (Support), Robin (Support), and Aventurine (Sustain).

Honkai Star Rail 2.2 Livestream Codes: Redeem Free 300 Stellar Jades
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The Honkai Star Rail 2.2 livestream is scheduled for today, at 7.30 PM (UTC+8). The Livestream will give out redeem codes for 300 free Stellar Jades. To redeem HSR 2.2 livestream from the website, visit the HSR redeem website > login > set the correct server > enter the code and select redeem.

Honkai Star Rail First Anniversary: A Lookback on the Game’s Player-Driven Approach
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Honkai Star Rail is celebrating its one year anniversary on April 26, 2024. The game has improved a lot in multiple aspects over the years, from story telling to QoL features. Honkai Star Rail has taken a player-first approach in their first year and it has lead to a solid player base.

Genshin Impact: Dies Irae Location and How to Use
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In Genshin Impact, Dies Irae is one of the Music Box scores for the Autoharmonic Music Box. It can be found in the Caesareum Palace, southwest of the Initium Lani. Finish the Nameless Stone Statue challenge to unlock the door and extract the music. Adding Dies Irae to the Music Box will reward 20x Primogems, 20k Mora, 3x Chapter of an Ancient Chord, and 2x Guide to Equity.

Genshin Impact 4.7 Leaks Suggest the New Abyss Is in Mondstadt
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Genshin Impact leaks reveal that the new Abyss will be located inside Lisa's Library in Modstadt. The new Abyss will only allow characters with specific elements to participate every season. Certain rewards from the new Abyss can be exchanged for 4-star and 5-star characters in Genshin Impact.