Zomato AI Introduced to Help You Place Orders When There’s Confusion

Zomato AI introduced

Ever since the onset of ChatGPT, we have seen several brands adapting AI, be it Google or Microsoft. We now have our popular food delivery service, Zomato, which uses the power of AI to help you make order decisions, thanks to the new Zomato AI. Have a look at the details.

Zomato AI Comes to Your Rescue!

Zomato AI uses the multiple-agent framework, which assigns different prompts for different tasks, making it easier for you to get what you asked for. So, you will be able to get a list of restaurant options in the case of specific dishes or a list of popular places when you are really confused about what to order.

Plus, you get food suggestions in different situations, making Zomato AI much smarter. If you ask about the kind of food you can have in a given situation, say, when you are hungover, Zomato will have an answer, which feels pretty impressive.

It is said that this new service is more than a chatbot and is aimed at providing seamless customer service by providing you with a conversation that feels more real. There’s room for natural textingwhen it comes to interacting with Zomato AI similar to how you can talk to ChatGPT or Google Bard. So, you will be able to type just like you do when you text a friend and the chatbot will respond, mostly in real time.

Zomato, in a blog post, says, “We are incredibly excited about Zomato AI and the potential it has to redefine ordering experiences. We believe it’s a game-changer in discovering the right food or beverage at the right time, and we eagerly await your experience with it. This feature is rolling out gradually to our Zomato Gold Members exclusively. So, prepare yourself to embark on a thrilling culinary journey with Zomato AI, your new foodie companion!

The power of Zomato AI will be available to you now, provided the app is up-to-date and you have a Zomato Gold membership. Currently, the feature is gradually rolling out and should arrive to all Gold members soon. If you got it, do share your thoughts on it in the comments below.

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