ZeroBounce: Easy and Effective Email Validation Service

This post has been sponsored by ZeroBounce.

Many companies out there rely on sending out marketing and promotional emails to interested sponsors and consumers worldwide. While the email address acquisition methods are organic and most of them generally follow the standards for email marketing, they still face the risk of falling victim to spam traps. Because of such traps, emails are mostly deferred and there is an increase in the bounce rate, which is harmful to the company. As such, email validation plays a crucial role for such firms.

In the market for email validations, ZeroBounce is the biggest name. ZeroBounce is an e-mail validation service acknowledged by the commitment to e-mail bounce detection, email abuse, and spam trap detection, e-mail data append and advanced security. The company claims that it is the best service out there for email validation, but is it so? Let’s find out as we review ZeroBounce’s email validation service:

First Impressions

The website itself is very neat and welcoming. While the features are accessible only once you actually register with the service, there’s an added email ID verification feature on the main homepage as well, which allows you to manually validate individual email addresses yourself.

ZeroBounce First Impressions

Once you create your own account, you get into the actual service page of ZeroBounce. The website features a sidebar on the left side for interacting with all the features of the service, while the right side displays the actual content.

All in all, my first impressions of ZeroBounce was quite pleasant. The user interface is well laid out, and while it is evident that ZeroBounce offers a lot of features for its users, thankfully they are not clustered but are very well organized.

Key Features

The main feature of the ZeroBounce is email validation, and I can happily say that the website carries this out efficiently. The service was easily able to identify all the genuine as well as spam trap type email addresses. Apart from that, ZeroBounce offers a lot of other features as well, which are discussed below:

ZeroBounce Key Features

  • Do Not Mail Accounts

Unlike our team at Beebom, most of the companies do not really check their support-based email addresses. Thankfully, ZeroBounce detects role­based emails (support@, info@, sales@, etc.), as well as domains belonging to companies that shouldn’t be sent marketing messages. This allows the user to conserve his time and send emails to addresses that are expected to respond, rather than deliver them to addresses nobody ever checks.

  • Information about IP Addresses

Apart from verifying the recipient’s email address, ZeroBounce goes the extra step to even offer you information about the IP address (country, state/region, city, and zip code of IP registration) used when the email was registered or opted-in for advertising. This can be extremely useful for companies trying to list down whether a certain email ID is potentially useful or not for specific marketing or promotional content.

  • User Information

Your address book is most likely to be filled with a lot of real users. However, there’s always the chance that they use a mysterious email ID which conceals their real name. Well, fret not, since ZeroBounce can actually aid you in that zone as well. ZeroBounce can append basic information (First name, Last name, Gender, Location, Account Creation Date) to data when available, eradicating the hassle of remembering all your contacts’ names.

  • Data Protection

Apart from offering the most accurate email validation service, ZeroBounce is using one of the best content delivery network systems in the world that is backed by Cloudflare. This provides clients with an Advanced DDOS and Advanced Firewall protection that gives another layer of defense to prevent cyber attacks/data breaches. Besides using this leading-edge system, all files uploaded and downloaded are encrypted with military-grade encryption ciphers. Customer data is never stored once data is validated and removed from the system; all aspects of the data are erased.

User Experience

My experience with ZeroBounce’s service was mostly satisfactory. I created my own .txt file containing email IDs that I randomly entered, with some of them being genuine, while some of them were just made up names. I won’t deny the fact that ZeroBounce did take a long time to verify all those IDs (40+ minutes for 12 email IDs), but I guess that was due to the fact that the email addresses were going through multiple layers of validation. But what upset me most is that the result exported was in .CSV format and it wasn’t that user-friendly.

ZeroBounce User Experience

Bottomline, ZeroBounce does its job well in validating email addresses. However, the results showcased could use a little more optimization for better viewing.

Pricing and Availability

ZeroBounce offers users the possibility to manually check individual email addresses using the tool on their homepage only. However, if you’re looking for a more detailed and feature-rich experience, you should register on ZeroBounce’s website. For first time users, the company offers 100 free email addresses they can verify, after which you’ll be required to purchase credits.

ZeroBounce Pricing

The prices start at $0.003/email (when verifying 5K to 100K emails) and swoop down to $0.0006/email (when validating 5M emails). Additionally, should your address book consist of an even higher number of email IDs, you can get in touch with the ZeroBounce team for the best prices.

ZeroBounce Email Validation Service: Worth it?

So, would I recommend ZeroBounce to you? Well, absolutely. The service is great and does what it promises quite effectively and efficiently. The price for which you get your email addresses validated is dirt cheap as well. Sure, the exported files aren’t as user- friendly as you’d expect, and validation does take some time, but in the long run, I feel it is quite worth it. For companies who send promotional or marketing material to a variety of users, or for blogs that have to deliver newsletters, email validation is essential, and ZeroBounce is literally the best service out there for it.

ZeroBounce Logo


  • Efficient Email Validation
  • Additional Features such as User Information and more
  • Advanced Security


  • Exported Results are in .CSV format only
  • Validation does take up some time

Validate Your Email Addresses Easily Using ZeroBounce

ZeroBounce is a great service that helps you validate all the email addresses in your address book, allowing you to efficiently improve your bounce rate while making sure your important content is delivered to the right person. Big companies who send out tons of promotional and marketing material require this service a lot, and ZeroBounce is definitely the biggest and the best name in the market of email validation.

Check out ZeroBounce Email Validation Service here

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