#Alan Wake 2
10 Stories

Alan Wake 2 Night Springs DLC Review: A Multiversal Fever Dream!
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Alan Wake 2 has recently received its very first Night Springs DLC and it brings three 'episodes' to play through. While the first episode mostly sees you play as Rose in a very dorky-silly setting, the other two directly connect the Remedyverse dots. Read how we felt about the game in our Alan Wake 2 Night Springs DLC here.

Max Payne Voice Actor James McCaffrey Passes Away at 65
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Max Payne famed actor James McCaffrey passed away due to multiple myeloma cancer at the age of 65 on December 17, 2023. The actor was famous for his work in games like Max Payne, Alan Wake 2, and Control. He also worked in a lot of famous movies and tv series such as 2004 classic Rescue Me.