Spider-Man: Miles Morales Story Set After the Events of Spider-Man

spider man miles morales

At Sony’s Future of Gaming event, the company showed off a bunch of things. We got the first look at the PlayStation 5’s design, along with some impressive PS 5 games. One of the games shown off at the event was Spider-Man: Miles Morales. However, Sony showed off a very tiny glimpse of the game. That led to confusion about whether it was a DLC, a sequel, or what.

Fortunately we are getting answers in a blog post on the PlayStation blog. The blog was authored by Brian Horton, Spider-Man: Miles Morales’ Creative Director. In the post, he clarifies that Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a full new game. It will follow the story-arc of Miles Morales, who we saw in the original Spider-Man game back in 2018.

Horton mentions that the story arc in Miles Morales will be similar to the one found in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. That seems like a hint towards the size of the game. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy has about 7 to 9 hours of gameplay, so it’s likely that Spider-Man: Miles Morales will clock in at a similar number.

The original Spider-Man game back in 2018 had around 17 to 25 hours of gameplay. It look like Spider-Man: Miles Morales will be a considerably shorter game. However there’s still the scope of DLCs to expand the gameplay.

Also, interestingly, Horton gives something of a teaser for another Spider-Man game as well. In the post he has written “Many of you fans have wondered if Peter Parker is OK. Don’t worry, we still have much of Peter’s story left to tell.” That does sound like a new Spider-Man game may be in the offing as well. Hopefully soon.

SOURCE PlayStation Blog
Comments 1
  • camden C barnes says:

    I would like to get the game for free

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