This PUBG Glitch Lets Players Turn Invisible For Easy Kills


Battle royale is the breakout hit of gaming industry in the past year, and PUBG is leading the way in terms of players, even though Fortnite has raked in more money. And with both titles competing fervently, there are bound to be updates which seek to add more fun to the gameplay and make things more lucrative for those willing to part with their money.

These updates also bring glitches from time to time, and the latest one in PUBG is quite cool, even though it may annoy you if you are an experienced player. The bug lets anyone hide under the map – literally turning invisible – and then score easy kills on unsuspecting enemies.

The most recent PUBG update which added the Sanhok map, also brought in the bug which is only seen in the new 4×4 map. One particular spot in the map lets you hide under the map as if the ground were a blanket, and then shoot other players from the hiding spot without giving away your location. Here’s how the glitch can be exploited:

The glitch, which was spotted by Kotaku, is only seen outside one house in the Sanhok map’s Na Kham village. Just outside the window, a slight bump in the ground tells you something is amiss. This slight elevation is where you can hide in plain sight, and wait for some unlucky enemies by baiting them with a few items, and then go for a merciless headshot or shoot them in the back. They’ll be none the wiser – unless they have read this piece of course.

The frightening part, as you can see in the video above, is that there is absolutely no way your rivals can spot you while you wait to ambush them. You can even shoot while you are hidden ‘underground’, so even your enemy’s teammates or partners won’t know where the bullets are coming from.

However, the glitch is both a good and bad thing. If you are the one exploiting it, then all is fine, but if you are on the receiving end, then any hopes of getting the chicken dinner are next to nil. PUBG developers are yet to officially respond to the glitch, but a fix is likely to be issued soon. In the meantime, you can go ahead and use this official ‘cheat code’ and earn some easy kills along the way.

VIA ComicBook
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