Just like with any other video game, music plays a big role in the overall experience of Minecraft. It has background music, sound effects, and music discs. Music discs are different than the other two as you can play and listen to them whenever you like in-game as many times as you want. So, in this tutorial, let’s learn about all music discs in Minecraft and how to get them.
1. Music Disc 13

Music Disc 13 is one of the slower and not so pleasant music discs in the game. It’s slightly unsettling and is quite similar to the sounds you hear in the cave systems underground. Thanks to the metallic clings, a quiet wind blowing, reverbed hisses and explosions, this music track provides us with an unusual and kind of frightening feel. A fun fact is the music disc 13 goes silent for 13 seconds at the 1:30 minute mark… spooky.
This music disc generates in the chests of dungeons, ancient cities, and woodland mansions. Besides the chest loot, when a creeper is shot and killed by a skeleton or a stray, it can drop the music disc 13. This isn’t the case only for this music disc but for most discs. Check out our guide about all Minecraft mobs to learn more about these hostile ones.
- Location: 1. Dungeons, 2. Ancient City, 3. Woodland Mansions
- Chance: 1. 21.5%, 2. 16.1%, 3. 21.8%
- Brief Description: Creepy Cave Theme
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the 13 Music Disc
2. Cat

The Cat music disc is a rather nice and light soundtrack. The initial melody is accompanied by a sweet melody with its own high and low notes. This is a great track for time-lapses, so that’s why you’d have probably heard it before while watching a video.
Similarly to the previous music disc, the Cat disc can be found in the dungeon, ancient city, and woodland mansion chests. A creeper killed by a skeleton or a stray also has a chance to drop this item.
- Location: 1. Dungeons, 2. Ancient City, 3. Woodland Mansions
- Chance: 1. 21.5%, 2. 16.1%, 3. 21.8%
- Brief Description: Light and Sweet Melody
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the Cat Music Disc
3. Blocks

The Blocks soundtrack is a fairly upbeat one with a shuffling waltz rhythm. It contains a lot of repeating light parts. Though, it’s not a particularly frequently heard track. This music disc cannot be found in any chest in your world. You can only get it by being lucky when a skeleton/stray shoots and kills a creeper.
- Location: None, only Dropped when a Skeleton/Stray kills a Creeper
- Chance: All 12 Discs Have the Same Chance, so about 8.33%
- Brief Description: Waltz Rhythm Up-Beat Track
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the Blocks Music Disc
4. Chirp

Chirp music disc is a funny-sounding retro tune track. It even contains a sample from the 1970 MATTEL Bossa Nova Style Program Disc playing in the background. This is a unique and kind of strangely hypnotizing track, at least at the beginning. You can get the Chirp music disc only when a creeper is killed by a skeleton or a stray.
- Location: None, only Dropped When a Skeleton/Stray Kills a Creeper
- Chance: All 12 Discs Have the Same Chance, so about 8.33%
- Brief Description: Up-Beat Retro Track with a Funny-Sounding Beginning
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the Chirp Music Disc
5. Far

The Far music disc plays a fairly beautiful and relaxing track. Its tempo is not overly slow but surely provides a calming feel. Moreover, this music disc represents sort of a nature-themed melody, with clear water echoing sound additions. Again, this music disc is only dropped when a skeleton/stray kills a creeper.
- Location: None, only Dropped When a Skeleton/Stray Kills a Creeper
- Chance: All 12 Discs Have the Same Chance, so about 8.33%
- Brief Description: Relaxing Track with Nature-Like Melody
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the Far Music Disc
6. Mall

The Mall music disc is a calm and peaceful soundtrack with different tempos throughout. It starts off slower and picks up speed relatively quickly. This track is also great time-lapse music, but it would probably be better quieter than louder. You can only obtain this disc when a creeper is killed by a skeleton or a stray.
- Location: None, only Dropped When a Skeleton/Stray Kills a Creeper
- Chance: All 12 Discs Have the Same Chance, so about 8.33%
- Brief Description: Peaceful Faster Track with a Slow Start
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the Mall Music Disc
7. Mellohi

Mellohi music disc consists of a distinctive strange and slow waltz. With a slightly melancholic vibe, the Mellohi soundtrack is not the one you’d want to play at a party.
The way you can get this music disc actually depends on the fact whether you are playing on the Minecraft Java or Bedrock version. If you are playing in the Java edition, you can only get this music disc as a creeper drop. However, if you are playing the Bedrock edition, you can get it in a buried treasure chest.
- Location: Creeper Drop (Java), Buried Treasure Chest (Bedrock)
- Chance: About 8.33% (Java), 18.9% (Bedrock)
- Brief Description: Slow, Melancholic Waltz
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the Mellohi Music Disc
8. Stal

If you’re a fan of jazz music, you’re going to love the Stal music disc. It’s a slow jazz-like track with a rather well-known and nostalgic melody. You can get the Stal music disc only when a creeper is killed by a skeleton or a stray.
- Location: None, only Dropped When a Skeleton/Stray Kills a Creeper
- Chance: All 12 Discs Have the Same Chance, so about 8.33%
- Brief Description: Slow Jazz Track
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the Stal Music Disc
9. Strad

Strad music disc is a pleasant track with kind of a tropical vibe. It was made with various instruments and different techniques. Some parts of the main Minecraft song melody can be heard in this soundtrack. Only obtainable as a creeper drop.
- Location: None, only Dropped When a Skeleton/Stray Kills a Creeper
- Chance: All 12 Discs Have the Same Chance, so about 8.33%
- Brief Description: Pleasant Tropical Theme
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the Strad Music Disc
10. Ward

Ward is a bit of a strange track with the beginning part extracted from Chopin’s Funeral March. And after a couple of seconds, the track picks up speed and turns into an electronic upbeat tune. However, throughout the soundtrack, you can hear somewhat of a dark undertone.
Much like other music discs, this one is only dropped by a creeper that’s been killed by a skeleton or a stray.
- Location: None, only Dropped When a Skeleton/Stray Kills a Creeper
- Chance: All 12 Discs Have the Same Chance, so about 8.33%
- Brief Description: A Bit Dark Up-Beat Electronic Track
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the Ward Music Disc
11. Music Disc 11

The 11 music disc is quite a disturbing one. It includes rather unsettling heavy breathing, some kind of knocking at the door, rustling, strange and frightening background noises, coughing, page-turning, clicking, scraping, etc. This track also abruptly stops and lasts for exactly 1 minute and 11 seconds, which adds to the overall scary feel.
- Location: None, only Dropped When a Skeleton/Stray Kills a Creeper
- Chance: All 12 Discs Have the Same Chance, so about 8.33%
- Brief Description: Disturbing Horror Scene
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the 11 Music Disc
12. Wait

Wait music disc is thankfully a lot different than the previous track. It’s nice to listen to with an upbeat tune. This disc starts off kind of quicker and slows down midway, but picks up speed again. It represents a remix of the main Minecraft soundtrack. Also, it was initially called “Where are We Now.”
Similarly to the Mellohi disc, the way to get the Wait music disc also depends on the game version you are playing on. If you’re playing on the Bedrock version, you can expect to find this item in the buried treasure chest. However, if you are a Java player, you can only get it as a special creeper drop.
- Location: None, Creeper Drop (Java), Buried Treasure Chest (Bedrock)
- Chance: About 8.33% (Java), 18.9% (Bedrock)
- Brief Description: Up-Beat Remix of the Minecraft Soundtrack
- Composer: C418
- Listen to the Wait Music Disc
13. Otherside

Otherside music disc is arguably the best and most loved track out of all sixteen in Minecraft. It’s an upbeat, bright, modern track that is far different than almost all C418’s tracks. With its uplifting, happy, and positive vibe, it’s perfect for creating large server gatherings or long building sessions.
Though, this track does change its overall feel to something slightly darker in the second half. The Otherside music disc can only be found in a loot chest of dungeons, ancient cities, and strongholds.
- Location: 1. Dungeon, 2. Ancient City, 3. Stronghold
- Chance: 1. 3.1%, 2. 8.4%, 3. 2.5%
- Brief Description: Up-Beat, Up-Lifting, Positive and Modern Track
- Composer: Lena Raine
- Listen to the Otherside Music Disc
14. Music Disc 5

The 5 Music disc is a unique one, just like 11. It starts off with sounds present in the game, such as flint and steel lighting, bat mob, fire, and walking noises. After that, the tune gets a bit more unsettling before turning into a soft calm melody. Shortly after that, the mood changes again and intensifies rather quickly.
After the mining sounds, we can hear a sculk shrieker activating, with a familiar and terrifying roar from the scary Warden itself. This track possibly presents the player mining their way through various underground blocks in the ancient city biome when they accidentally spawn the warden, which gets aggravated fast. This is an amazing track that goes hand in hand with Minecraft 1.19‘s brutal addition.
Music Disc 5 is the only craftable disc in the game. It requires you to loot multiple ancient city chests to get yourself disc fragment items, as shown below. After you have found 9 of them, you can craft music disc 5 on the crafting table by placing one fragment in each crafting grid slot.
- Location for Disc Fragments: Ancient City
- Chance for Disc Fragments: 29.8%
- Brief Description: Exploring Caves and Meeting the Terrifying Warden for the First Time
- Composer: Samuel Åberg
- Listen to the 5 Music Disc
15. Pigstep

Besides being my favorite disc, the Pigstep music disc is one of the most special soundtracks added to this game. It’s got quite a contemporary hip-hop beat with kind of an intense tune. The soft radio-like melody is accompanied by the beat around the middle part.
This track goes perfectly with the piglins’ winning dance, hence, the name. As this track is associated with piglins, it’s appropriate that you can only find it in the chests in Bastions.
- Location: Bastion Remnant
- Chance: 5.6%
- Brief Description: Modern Up-Beat Hip-Hop Track
- Composer: Lena Raine
- Listen to the Pigstep Music Disc
16. Relic

Amongst all the awesome additions Minecraft 1.20 introduced, the Relic music disc surely doesn’t disappoint. This is a pleasant up-beat 8-bit tune track with a bright and up-lifting melody. Its name and old-fashioned feel perfectly suit the archeology update.
Speaking of which, you can only get the Relic music disc by brushing suspicious gravel blocks in the trail ruins with a brush. If you’re not sure how to do that, check out everything about Minecraft 1.20 archeology.
- Location: Suspicious Gravel in Trail Ruins
- Chance: 8.3%
- Brief Description: Bright and Up-Beat 8-Bit Track
- Composer: Aaron Cherof
- Listen to the Relic Music Disc
17. Precipice

Precipice is one of three music discs added to the Minecraft 1.21 update, which was composed by Aaron Cherof. This disc is fairly long and also absolutely amazing. It starts with some sort of bell ringing and picks up speed very quickly.
The refrain of the song is upbeat, bright, and fast. This song is perfect if you’re having a great time with your friends, as it just puts a smile on everyone’s face. The only way to get the Precipice music disc is by opening vaults in trial chambers.
- Location: Vaults in Trial Chambers
- Chance: 3.6%
- Brief Description: Up-Beat and Cheerful Track
- Composer: Aaron Cherof
- Listen to the Precipice Music Disc
18. Creator

If you haven’t heard the Creator music disc already, then visit the link below right now. It starts off rather soft, but very soon after changes the vibe to something a lot more ancient-like and industrial. At about a halfway mark, the instrument list adds an electric guitar and the song goes from great to awesome in an instant.
You can kind of feel the emotions while listening to it and that’s what makes it so incredible. The only unfortunate fact about the Creator music disc is that you can only get it from ominous vaults within trial chambers. So, it’s rare and will require a lot of work and luck to obtain it.
- Location: Ominous Vaults in Trial Chambers
- Chance: 7.5%
- Brief Description: Slower-Paced Ancient and Tinkery Vibe Track
- Composer: Lena Raine
- Listen to the Creator Music Disc
19. Creator (Music Box)

Some people would say that the Creator music disc doesn’t suit Minecraft. Well, the composer Lena Raine also made this short but sweet version of that song. It’s made using the music box instrument and it’s rather soft, slow, and delivers that same ancient feel. It is a lot easier to get, as it’s available when breaking the corridor decorated pots inside trial chambers.
- Location: Decorated Pots in the Corridor of Trial Chambers
- Chance: 1.4% (Java) and 0.8% (Bedrock)
- Brief Description: Soft Music Box Version of the Creator Music Disc
- Composer: Lena Raine
- Listen to the Creator (Music Box) Music Disc
Thanks to the community-made mods and resource packs, you can also make custom music discs. You can upload whatever soundtrack or sound effects you want to a disc and play it in your world.
Due to game-changing improvements to jukeboxes in the 1.20 update, you can determine exactly when the music disc will be played and stopped by using Redstone and Redstone components. So, that’s all you need to know about music discs in this blocky game. What is your favorite music disc in Minecraft? Let us know in the comments below!
The rarity of music discs depends on the way you obtain them, though it’s pretty safe to say that most music discs are rare and require either locating a structure or spending time fiddling with a creeper and a skeleton.
No, a creeper killed by a skeleton can drop 12 music discs on Java and 11 on Bedrock.
The most popular Minecraft music discs are Otherside, Pigstep, Cat, and Creator.