7 Cool Discord Bots to Enhance Your Server

Discord is a very popular voice, and text chat client meant for gamers. It is very user friendly, and setting up a chat server on Discord is very easy. If you have a server on Discord, you obviously know that it is very flexible, and offers a lot of customization; but, Discord servers also support bots, that can enhance the functionality of your server, and help you manage it better. So, if you’re looking to improve your Discord server, here are some Discord bots to enhance your server:

1. Discoid

Discoid is a rather popular bot on Discord servers. It offers a plethora of features that you can use to increase the amount of flexibility your server offers for moderation, along with adding layers of new features to your Discord server. Using Discoid, you can mute users, get notifications, and receive information about users, and your server. It also has commands for jokes, and memes.


Another great thing about Discoid, is that it supports streaming music from YouTube, and Soundcloud. The bot will allow you to control media playback on the server, with basic options such as play/pause, rewind, and volume control. It also supports queue system, so you can simply queue all the songs that you want to play on your server, and Discoid will handle all the song switching for you.

Visit the Discoid website

2. OverwatchBot

If you’re an Overwatch player, you’ll absolutely love this bot. This bot is called OverwatchBot for a reason. It is a supercharged bot that can let you do all the things related to Overwatch, that you might want. You can add this bot to your server, and it will allow you to view your Overwatch statistics without having to leave the server. You can also check your competitive stats using the OverwatchBot.

Among other features, the bot will also let you view your top 5 heroes, and generate images of your stats for you. You can even use the OverwatchBot to compare different Battle.net accounts directly inside your server.

Visit the OverwatchBot page

3. Dyno

Dyno is another bot that you can use to add a plethora of features to your Discord server. With Dyno, you’ll get a fully customizable dashboard, along with customizable announcements for the entire server. So, you can easily announce to everyone on the server, whenever a new player joins, leaves, or gets kicked off the server. The server management features offered by Dyno are pretty great, and you can set up timed mutes, or bans for players, and also get Dyno to post AFK status when you mention it in your chat.

Dyno is integrated with Cleverbot, and comes with spam detection, so your server will always remain free from spam messages, and unwanted posts. You can also use Dyno to stream music from YouTube; however, it does not support Soundcloud, so you’re out of luck there.

Visit the Dyno website

4. Discord Dungeons

Discord Dungeons is a bot for Discord servers, that lets you, and the members in your server play a game called…well, Discord Dungeons. The game is pretty well thought out, and involves everything one might want from a game such as this. You can fight enemies, unlock achievements, and more. The game will have you mining, crafting, and undertaking adventures. It even supports inventories. Also, with guild support, people can join guilds and play as a team. The PVP battles that the bot offers, are a lot of fun, as well. You should definitely add this one to your Discord server. After all, why wouldn’t you put a game inside a game chat client?

Since Discord Dungeons runs on Discord, you can actually play it from anywhere, on any device. You can log in on Discord, in your browser, your mobile device, or even play on the Discord app.

Visit the Discord Dungeons website

5. AwesomeBot

If you’re looking for a bot that does it all, you can check out AwesomeBot. The aptly named bot comes with a comprehensive moderation and statistics system, a plethora of robust commands, and is completely configurable, and extensible. Notable among the various features that AwesomeBot offers, are the support it offers for images, GIFs, and YouTube. It also comes with a lot of utilitarian commands, and offers complete configurability.

The bot is completely extensible with Javascript, and will allow you to host live polls, and trivia games on your server. AwesomeBot can also log the mentions made on your server, and provide you with awesome stats, and a great profiles system.

Visit the AwesomeBot website

6. Septapus

Septapus is a bot that is both fun, and useful at the same time. The bot makes comics, and charts, which will definitely liven up your server. After all, one can only text-chat for so long, before starting to get bored. Septapus’ comics and charts will definitely add a nice touch to your server, attracting more members. The bot is also known for posting huge emojis. However, it is also useful, as it can let you set reminders, and lists information about YouTube gaming, and if you’re a YouTube streamer, it can also provide notifications for you, making your job just that much easier.

Visit the Septapus website

7. Hexacircle

Hexacircle is another all-in-one bot for Discord servers that you can check out. The bot comes with a plethora of features that will definitely enhance your server on Discord. The bot will let you kick, ban, or softban people on your server. It has integrations with Giphy, and Twitch; thus, you can use it to send GIFs on your server, and do much more.

Hexacircle will also let you set a custom join, and leave message that will be displayed to people when they join, or leave your server. Along with all that, you will also get basic music features with the bot, so you can control playback, adjust volume, and more. The bot also has an AFK system, so you can go AFK without worrying too much.

Visit the Hexacircle website

SEE ALSO: How to Add Bots to Your Discord Server

Enhance Your Discord Server with these Useful Bots

You can use these bots to enhance the functionalities offered by your server, and the things that you can do on it. There are a lot of other great bots available for Discord servers, so no matter what feature you want on your server, you’ll probably find a great bot for it. As always, if you know of any other great bots that you think deserve to be on this list, do let us know about them, in the comments section below.

Comments 5
  • Bonson says:

    top 1 most useful bot——Clyde

  • avos says:

    lmao so all these do the same thing. moderation stuff. great.

  • Rohan says:

    Thanks for this article, helpful

  • Fox says:

    Overused word of the day: plethora

  • AndyBhoy says:

    Plethora of Plethoras

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