Android Q Beta 5 Brings Redesigned Password Autofill Dialog Box

android q beta 5 autofill redesign featured

Android brought an autofill service with Android 8.0 Oreo, and while it works really well, Google is now trying to make it look better too. In the latest Android Q beta, the autofill dialog box that pops up has a new, more clean look that’s more in line with Google’s recent app redesigns. Plus, reports suggest that there are slight performance improvements in tow as well.

With Android Q beta 5, third party password managers like Lastpass will now show up in a redesigned box with rounded corners, instead of the sharp-cornered square boxes that we’ve been seeing so far. However, as 9to5Google points out, this change is only applicable to third party apps, since Google’s autofill option had rounded corners before Android Q beta 5.

Reports also claim that apart from this redesign of the autofill box, the autofill service itself also feels faster and can fill out your passwords noticeably quicker, which is obviously great. That said, we’ve not tested this out on our own and can’t independently confirm that there are any performance improvements to the autofill service in Android Q beta 5. The redesign though, is definitely there.

If you’re using Google’s autofill service on your phone and you’re running the Android Q beta, you’ve probably seen this redesign in the past. However, if you’re like me and using a third party password manager on your Android smartphone, I think you’ll appreciate the redesign here.

Featured Image Courtesy: 9to5Google

SOURCE 9to5Google
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