Airbnb’s New “Online Experiences” Program Lets You Go on Virtual Tours

Airbnb online experience feat.

Airbnb is known to provide tourist and backpackers around the world with memorable experiences with many of its offerings. It launched the “Airbnb Experience” program back in 2016 to provide guests with unique tours that are carried out by the hosts themselves. However, with the ongoing pandemic-led lockdowns, the company had to shut down the “in-person” Experiences from April. Now, Airbnb is offering an “Online Experience” program that will take guests on virtual tours from their respective homes.

With a recent blog post, the tour-booking company launched the “Online Experiences” program that will provide guests with collaborative online virtual tours and help the hosts earn income during these tough times of global crisis.

The Airbnb “Online Experiences” program helps guests to connect with “inspiring hosts” from over 30 countries for virtual tours and collaborative activities. The hosts include Olympic medalists like Lauren Gibbs and Alistair Brownlee. It also helps the hosts to earn a little in this weird time of crisis by connecting with the global community of guests.

Human connection is at the core of what we do. With so many people needing to stay indoors to protect their health, we want to provide an opportunity for our hosts to connect with our global community of guests in the only way possible right now, online.“, said the Head of Airbnb Experiences, Catherine Powell. 

To help the most isolated and at-risk population like the senior citizens of countries, Airbnb collaborated with local organisations for personalised Experiences to help them connect with the world and learn new skills from the comfort of their homes. The company partnered with organisations like SAGE, National Council on Aging (NCOA), Associazione Nazionale Alpini and Amigos de los Mayores to provide “Online Experiences” to the elderly population free of charge.

Through our partnership with Airbnb, SAGE is able to give older members of LGBT communities across the country an opportunity to not only meet other people, but also learn a new hobby and travel to nearly anywhere around the world, all from the safety of their home. This is what partnership and connection is all about.”, stated the CEO of SAGE, the world’s largest organisation that improve the lives of the elderly LGBT population.

So, if you are getting bored at home with nowhere to go, you can try the 50 available “Online Experiences” from Airbnb to go on a virtual tour to meet the dogs of Chernobyl or learn the secrets of magic. You can check out all the available “Online Experiences” and Airbnb says that thousands of other such Experiences will be added in the coming months. 

VIA Verge
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