3Doodler, World’s First 3D Printing Pen

Making a product little taller than the previous one is not an innovation (you know what i mean), the real innovation is creating something which amazes everyone or which can solve problems of masses. One such innovation was announced  yesterday under the Kickstarter projects.

The project is 3Doodler, It’s world’s first 3D printing pen. It’s a pen that lets you draw in the air, create beautiful sculptures like Eiffel tower in 3D and no software or computer is needed. You just need basic home power supply and your drawing skills, nothing else.

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The concept behind this pen is that the heated plastic comes out of its tip, which quickly cools down and solidifies in to a stable structure. In the beginning you might find it little hard to draw with perfection, but 3 Doodler have come up with solution for that too, they will be providing stencils to start practising with and that too in free.

The 3 Doodler is like a magic pen filled with ABS plastic (the material used by many 3D printers).

This is how 3Doodler pen looks like.

The best thing about this startup is that, it is founded with a noble motive of making it accessible to everyone by keeping it at a humble price of 75 USD.

Here’s the Demo video released by 3Doodler team, showing it’s working, Let’s watch it together!

Here’s a little about the founders of 3Doodler project

This project is taken care by a team of two,  Peter Dilworth and Maxwell Bogue, both of them are exceptionally talented and experienced and that shows by the kind of innovation they are bringing with 3Doodler.

They together co-founded WobbleWorks in 2011, which is an emerging toy and robotics company and 3Doodler is a project under WobbleWorks only.

Here are some awesome 3Doodler creations [Pics]

3Doodler, World's First 3D Printing Pen

3 Doodler creation, standing ovation

3Doodler, Eiffel tower and Dinasour in 3D

Founders of 3Doodler
Founders of 3Doodler, World’s First 3D Printing Pen

For more Information, Visit official website of 3Doodler.

If you want to back (fund) 3Doodler, here’s the Kickstarter page of the project.

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