An Amazing Redesign Concept For Wikipedia by George Kvasnikov (Pics)

George Kvasnikov, Senior Interface and Graphic Designer from Germany has created an amazing re-design concept for Wikipedia. He has not just re-designed the whole site but also re-thought every aspect of the site from user’s point of view.

As we know there’s not much change brought up in the UI of Wikipedia since its inception in 2001 and that’s why George thought of the idea to make Wikipedia’s look more modern, more readable and more useful.

So, without wasting much time let’s check out the new Wikipedia.

Welcome The Grid

w1 - Redesign Concept For Wikipedia
Homepage Grid View
Homepage Cover view

The New Reading Experience

New Reading Experience
Clean Layout

Clear Structures, Rich Interactions

Rich Interactions
History Page helps you navigate between read and saved articles

Integrated Text Editor

Select text or pictures to add them to your text editor.
Focus Mode

Mobile Version

Mobile Version


WhatsApp + Facebook UI/UX Design Concept

Google’s Logo Re-branding Experiment Design Concept

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Courtesy: Behance

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