We have just published our review of the Pixel 2 and concluded that Pixel 2 has one of the best if not the best cameras on any smartphone launched till date. We especially love the new portrait mode on the new Pixel 2s which works flawlessly despite the fact that the new Pixel 2s sport a single camera set-up. I personally prefer Pixel 2 portrait mode over the portrait mode on the new iPhones, as the Pixel 2 nails the portrait mode every time, right out of the box.
However, if you are not happy with the portrait mode results on the Pixel 2, Google has just shared some tips (10 of them) to enable users to take the best portrait shots possible. With the tips in your arsenal, you will take the best portrait modes with your Pixel 2 camera. The first tip has to do with the distance between the camera and the subject and the subject and the background. As a rule of thumb, the distance between the camera and the subject should be as small as possible. In contrast, the farther the background the better the portrait effect you will get.
Also, do remember to tap on the focus button on the camera viewfinder to keep the subject in focus, and while you are at it, make sure that the subject is in front with no other objects in between. It will also help if your subject doesn’t have to compete with too many distinguishing details present either around it or in the background. The less are the objects fighting for attention, the better results you will get. One nifty tip is to choose a background with vertical or horizontal line patterns as they help in giving a greater field of depth effect.
Lastly, don’t forget the “rule of thirds”, and as always good lighting conditions will always result in better portrait shots. Learn and use these tips to get the best portrait shots on your Pixel 2. You can head to Google’s blog to read in-depth details about the tips with supporting pictures. Try them out and let us know if you are able to improve your portrait game.