Monetizing social sharing with

Monetizing social sharing with

As we all know, sharing links on social networking sites helps in increasing the page rank of a blog as well as getting more traffic. You can get enormous traffic within a click, putting your Facebook & Twitter accounts to use. But now, you can even earn by sharing the links on social networking. It’s all possible with the help of All you have to do now is get started with them and there you are, ready to generate revenue without any trouble. is a free site which helps you to monetize the social sharing activity. It let’s you earn money by using the share button even on your current blog. The icing on the cake is that charge nothing & let you monetize the social sharing with ease.

The mechanism is quite simple: Once you share the content on social networking sites using any of the sharing buttons powered by, you receive the “after- the- share” confirmation box which informs you that your content is successfully shared over your social networks.

In that box the publisher sees an option to take up a “250 x 300” advertisement from Fortune 500 companies which are sourced by the parent company of Radium One and obtain premium CPMs. All the advertisers pay you top dollar for promoting their content. The people who click the share button get to see the advertisement. The plus point with this service is that the advertisement doesn’t downsize the space of your blog. It is shown only when the reader clicks share button.

Apart from the source of revenue, also works as complete social sharing widgets just like its contemporaries- AddThis & ShareThis. It allows you to share your content on 50+ channels like Facebook  Twitter & Google+. Thus, you can easily promote your blog over all your networks and get incredible traffic along with the revenue. You can also customize the appearance of this widget & chose the best one that suits for your blog. The widget is available in three different sizes so that you can chose according to your convenience. You can also chose whether to post it horizontally or vertically & to include a share counter or not.

The also offers you the service of social analytics. You can use it to check and analyse what content has been liked maximum by people and shared on their social networks. You can also check what content has generated maximum click-backs. It also allows you to keep track of share button and see which social network has been used most to share the content. Thus, you can analyse everything very simply.

So, if you’re pretty much eager to check out this brilliant service, you can just visit & get started with it. After that just drop a mail to to let them know you wish to monetize the social sharing with & that’s it, you’re done. A revenue generating stream, social sharing widget & what not. There is no reason for you to ignore

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