All LEGO Fortnite Villagers and Their Special Skills

One of the unique features of LEGO Fortnite is the villagers, who act like your companions, unlike the villagers in Minecraft. These villagers are friendly NPCs who help you with a bunch of jobs and exploration. You can recruit or remove villagers in LEGO Fortnite anytime. And it’s necessary since different villagers are equipped with different skills. That’s why we have created this list to educate you about which villager is good at what job. This list will help you decide the best villager to add to your village in LEGO Fortnite.


In LEGO Fortnite, villagers can be assigned any task. Their rarity will determine how fast they can perform the task. If a villager has a certain skill, they will be able to perform that particular job faster and will produce better rewards.

1. Common Villagers

Common villagers are easy to come across and will join you as soon as you build a village square in the game. Some of the common villagers are good in the early stages of LEGO Fortnite. You will get one starter villager as you make a world, and they will be a common villager.

Cuddle Team LeaderCuddle Bear LEGO FortniteStarterStarter Tips
Brite BomberBrite Bomber Starter VillagerStarterStarter Tips & Gather Resources
AuraAura LEGO FortniteStarterGather Resources
SprocketSprocketAny BiomeGather Resources
Blue SquireBlue SquireGrasslands Combat Companion
OtisOtis LEGO FortniteGrasslands Cooking
SkyeSkyeAny BiomeCollect Gem & Smelt Metal
RobinRobinGrasslands Combat Companion
RoanRoanAny BiomeGather Resources
DanaDanaAny BiomeGather Resources
HayseedHayseedGrasslands Farming
SunflowerSunflowerGrasslands Farming & Gathering Fertilizer
SparkplugSparkplugAny BiomeGather Resources
TurkTurkGrasslandsCombat Companion
OutcastOutcastGrasslandsGather Resources
CometCometShoreAny Work

2. Uncommon Villagers

Although common villagers are good for receiving basic tips when starting out, you wouldn’t want them around once you start exploring more of your LEGO Fortnite seed. Uncommon villagers will start joining the more you expand your village.

LionbrandLionbrandAny Biome Combat Companion
FishstickFishtick LEGO FortniteAny Biome Cooking
GusLEGO Fortnite GusDry Valley Combat Companion
PetraPetra LEGO FortniteDry Valley Gather Resources & Collect Gems
Sally SailsSally SailsShore Combat Companion
SaltySaltyShore Cooking
YetiLEGO Fortnite YetiFrostland Gather Resources
SawyerSawyerDry Valley Combat Companion
JulesJulesAny BiomeCollect Gem & Smelt Metal
BobBobFrostlandCooking and Collect Gem

3. Rare Villagers

In LEGO Fortnite, rare villagers like Meowscles, Peely, and Beef Boss can be easier to find once you start exploring your world. However, their job skills and task-performing speed put them in the rare category of villagers.

BushrangerBushranger LEGO FortniteGrasslands/ FrostlandGathering & Collect Gem
TabbyTabbyAny BiomeCollect Gem
MeowsclesMeowsclesAny BiomeCombat Companion & Collect Gem
PeelyLEGO Fortnite PeelyAny BiomeCooking & Collect Gem
Beef BossBeef BossAny BiomeCooking
NuggetNuggetDry ValleyCombat Companion
RexLEGO Fortnite RexDry ValleyGather Resources
RaptorRaptorAny BiomeGather Resources & Combat Companion
Snow CapSnow capFrostlandSmelt Metal & Cooking
SlushSlushFrostlandGather Resources & Textiles
SilasSilasAny BiomeGather Resources
FlintFlintDry ValleyCraft Textiles
OscarOscarAny BiomeGather Resources

4. Epic Villagers

Finding epic villagers in LEGO Fortnite can be hard as the probability of finding them is very small. Furthermore, the epic villagers are well-known for being lazy. That is why epic villagers do not visit the village without you finding them.

If you recruit epic villagers, they will come in very handy as their job speed is faster than any other villagers in the game.

TomatoheadTomatohead LEGO FortniteGrasslands/ Dry ValleyCooking
Carl ReefCarl Reef LEGO FortniteShoreGather Resources & Collect Gem
BlackheartBlackheartShoreCombat Companion & Gather Resources
CrystalCrystalGrasslandsFarming, Cooking & Collect Gem
Frozen FishstickFrozen Fishstick LEGO FortniteFrostlandCooking & Collect Gem
MazyMazyDry ValleyCollect Gem & Smelt Metal
Polar PeelyLEGO Fortnite Polar peelyFrostlandCooking & Collect Gem
CalamityCalamityDry ValleyCombat Companion
RustlerRustlerDry ValleyCombat Companion
LynxLynxAny BiomeAny Work

Now that you know which villagers to recruit in LEGO Fortnite, tell us your favorite villager in the comments below.

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