How to Automatically Set Reddit Wallpapers as Background on PC and Android

Customization is a need, a compulsion for every geek on this planet. May it be customizing the desktop of your PC or the home screen of your smartphone. It’s one of those things that make a geek feel different from the rest of the world. Now, one of the dilemmas that we face during customization is choosing the perfect wallpaper. One may go surfing all over the internet to find a perfect pick or a collection of ’em and, might even get the choice. But, there’s one place on the internet that one needs to check before surfing anywhere.

It’s the front page of the internet, a bliss for nerds and geeks. Behold, I’m talking about Reddit. It is THE place to find unique, unpublished, mesmerizing and beautiful wallpapers for your devices. So, today in this guide, we’ll show you how you can set the best Reddit Wallpapers as background on your Windows PC and Android devices automatically.

Yes, automatically. The wallpapers will change automatically based on the time and category set by you. However, you can download a specific wallpaper and stick with it. But, there’s no fun in that. So, why not cycle through the best wallpapers and experience new ones every hour or so? Well, I’m going to show you exactly how you can do that. Let’s dig in:

On Windows

We can achieve this task on Windows by using a small tool called Reddit Wallpaper Changer. Now, this project was released around 2 years ago and the original developer has stopped working on it. However, as it is open source, another developer Rawns has recently contributed to it and updated it with some new features and fixes. So, I recommend you to download the updated release by Rawns and not the original one.

Set it Up

The downloaded file will be a ZIP file, containing the Reddit Wallpaper Changer.exe file. This tool doesn’t need any installation. Just double-click on it to make it run. However, you will get a warning from Windows SmartScreen that it’s from an untrusted publisher.


Just click on more info and Run anyway. The application should now be up and running in the background. Open the system tray and right-click on the application’s icon and get into its settings.

Note: If you have any doubts about the security of the software, you can check the virus scan proof on the above-linked Reddit page.

In the Settings, you can change the source of your wallpapers from one subreddit to another. You can also set the duration at which the wallpaper should change.

If you want to add more than one subreddit, you can just add a + sign before the name of the subreddit. You can add any subreddit and this tool will only grab images from them.

You can further customize it to grab images from specific categories like Top Today, Hot, Top this week or just make it random. Apart from that, you can perform an advanced search query to specifically get the type of wallpaper you want. After you’re done with the settings, hit save.

Track History and Add Favorites

The app even keeps a history of applied wallpapers, so that you can find the wallpapers you liked the most and add them to your favorites. You can also set up a blacklist to avoid certain wallpapers to be set as background in the cycle.

Apart from all of that, you can save the wallpapers for offline use. To save the wallpaper, just right-click on the app’s system tray icon and hit save wallpaperThe wallpaper will be saved in a sub-folder of the app’s location.

So, that’s how you can set those awesome wallpapers as background on your PC from your favorite subreddits. Now, let’s see how you can do that on an Android device.

On Android

If you’re a fan of live wallpapers, you must have used the Muzei Live Wallpaper App. It refreshes your wallpaper with beautiful artwork based on the time set by you. It also lets you blur and dim down the wallpaper, so that the icons and widgets always appear in a clear view. Apart from that, the developer has also set up an API for other developers to create plugins for the app. And, we are going to use one of these plugins for our task.

Setting it Up

Muzei – Reddit is the plugin that we are going to use to refresh our background wallpapers with those beautiful Reddit Wallpapers. Now, before you install the plugin, you need to have the original Muzei Live Wallpaper installed. So first, download the Muzei App and then the plugin.

Now, open the Muzei app and activate the Live Wallpaper functionality. Next, hit on settings and you’ll get all the sources for wallpapers (or installed plugins). Here, slide to “Pics for Reddit and tap on it to activate the plugin.

Now, the plugin is ready to work. You can further change the subreddits and the refresh interval by pressing the settings button below the name of the plugin. Apart from that, you can change the blur and dim parameter in the Advanced tab available on the top.

After you’re done with the settings, hit the tick icon on the top to save them. Now, if you want to see the wallpaper in its full view (without the blur and dim settings) then double tap on the wallpaper on your home screen. The plugin installed has also an option to notify you of every new wallpaper that has been set as background.

Also, you might notice a slight battery drain, after all, it’s a Live wallpaper. But, it’s quite negligible. You can optimize it by dimming down the wallpapers and adding a bit of grayscale.

SEE ALSO: How To Control and Customize Windows 10 Desktop

Enjoy the Mesmerizing Reddit Wallpapers on your PC and Android Phone

Well, that’s how you can set wallpapers from cool subreddits as background on your PC and Android smartphone. Some of the subreddits you can use are Wallpaper, Wallpapers and iWallpaper. So, that’s it. If you have any other tool similar to these that you’ve used in the past then do share them with us through the comments section below.

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