How to Read Deleted Reddit Posts and Comments

Reddit is a treasure trove of information and I browse it daily for getting content, passing time, and contributing to the Subreddits that I follow. If you also love Reddit and browse it every day, you must have encountered deleted or removed comments and posts. Now, most of the time they don’t bug me, however, if there’s a conversation thread that is mentioning that comment, I do feel the need to read the comment to understand what’s going on. And sometimes, I am just plain curious about why a comment or post was deleted. Well, while there is no foolproof method to get those comments back, there are some steps that you can take to uncover those deleted comments and posts. So, in this article, we are going to show you how you can read deleted Reddit posts and comments.

Read Deleted Reddit Posts and Comments

To read deleted Reddit comments and posts, we are going to use various online websites and services that make it possible to uncover them. Remember, that these methods will not work all of the time so you might need to test them out to see which one works on the particular posts you want to read. With that said, let’s get started, shall we?

1. Use Ceddit to Read Deleted Comments on Reddit

If a post is still live and you just want to read the deleted comments on the post then Ceddit is the best tool that you can use. Ceddit is basically an online Reddit client that lets you browse Reddit in its custom interface. Whenever you load a post on Ceddit, it automatically identifies all the deleted comments and highlights them in Red. This makes it easy to find and read deleted comments.


Ceddit is also very easy to use. You just need to replace the “r” in “” with “c” so that it becomes ““. For example, if you have a post with a URL that looks like this:

By replacing “r” with “c” it will become this:

As you can see, Ceddit is pretty easy to use and it can extract most deleted comments. So, use it right now to see if you can find deleted comments on Reddit or not.

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2. Use Removeddit to Read Deleted Posts on Reddit

Just like Ceddit lets you read deleted comments on Reddit, Removeddit helps you read deleted posts. There are multiple ways you can use RemoveReddit to read deleted posts. The first is to just visit RemoveReddit’s webpage and search for the post that you are looking for. The second method is to just replace “reddit” by “removeddit” in a post’s URL. So taking the above example, if the following was a deleted post link on Reddit:

By replacing “reddit” by “removeddit” in the link, it will become:

If you find the URL change method hard, you can just install Removeddit’s bookmark tool. Add it to your browser and click on it whenever you open a Reddit post link that has been deleted. The bookmark works like a charm and has never failed me till now.

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3. Use WaybackMachine to Find Deleted Posts and Comments

WaybackMachine is an internet archiving service that takes snapshots of internet web pages and caches them so that you can find anything which has been deleted. This was created to preserve the history of the internet so people can go way back in time to see what the internet looked like at specific dates. The good thing is that you can use this tool to read deleted posts and comments. Since the website saves a screenshot every day, you have a high chance of finding the deleted post.

WaybackMachine - Read Deleted Reddit Posts and Comments

Using the WaybackMachine is pretty simple. Just open the website and then copy and paste the link to Reddit post which you want to view. The website will then provide you with a calendar interface that you can use to go back in time. It is easy to decide the date you want to check. Just find the “deleted X days ago” tag on the comment or post and then subtract those many days to get the past date. You might have to go one or more days back and forward if you have not calculated the exact date correctly so keep that in mind.

Wayback Machine 1

One benefit of using the WaybackMachine is that you can use it to not only read the deleted comment but also any edits that were made to that comment before it was deleted. Just keep moving a day back and see if any other version of the comment was posted or not. Yes, it takes time but if you want to delve into a deleted post of comment this is the best way to do that.

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4. Use Resavr to Read Deleted Reddit Comments

Resavr is a great tool to find and read deleted Reddit comments. There’s only one catch. Resavr only saves those comments that are longer than 650 characters in length. According to the website, for a comment to be useful it should satisfy a certain length and I mostly agree with this statement. Mostly, because the service is making sure that all the comments longer than 650 characters are saved. That makes it a great resource to find deleted comments.

Resavr 1

The website is pretty easy to use. On the homepage, you will find a list of most recent deleted comments. There’s a search bar at the top where you can search deleted comments by post title. I also love that when you are viewing a deleted comment Resavr shows you the day the comment was posted and how long it was up before it was deleted. You can use this information in conjunction with the WaybackMachine to find even more information about the comment.

Resavr 2 - Read Deleted Reddit Posts and Comments

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SEE ALSO: 30 Best Subreddits You Should Subscribe on Reddit in 2019

Read Deleted Reddit Comments and Posts

So those were the 4 methods that you can use to read deleted comments and posts on Reddit. For me, the second method works the best. However, if you want to take a deep dive into a comment or post then the third method will be the best for you. Do check these out and let us know which one worked for you by writing in the comments section below.

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