How to Quick Equip and Switch Weapons in Starfield

Starfield, while a space exploration game, has one of the best and most satisfying gunplay mechanics for a game in 2023. However, ask any FPS gamer, and you will find that a big part of any gun-based combat is the ability to switch weapons efficiently. However, this is where the game falters, as Starfield doesn’t tell you how to actually switch weapons. We had the same problem, so we decided to investigate ourselves. Now that we have the answer, we are here to help you. So if you also want to learn how to quickly equip and switch weapons in Starfield, go through the two methods described below.

Quick Swap Weapons Using Your Starfield Inventory

Since Starfield doesn’t teach you how to quickly switch weapons, this is one of the first methods everyone uses. Like other games, Starfield has an inventory where it houses your weapons, too. So, here’s how to quickly switch your weapons using the inventory.

  • In the main game, open the inventory by pressing “I” on your keyboard or the “Menu” button on your controller. However, note that if you’re using the controller, you must choose inventory on the open screen.
  • Next, click on weapons to open up the entire menu in your inventory. You will now see all the weapons in your possession.
click on weapons starfield
  • Hover over the weapon you want to quick equip and click on it to finalize it as your choice. You will know it’s selected through a confirmation marker on the top left side of the weapon.
confirmation marker starfield
  • Once done, you will see your selected weapon stowed on your Starfield character’s back.
weapon stowed on back starfield

And that’s how you quickly equip a weapon using your inventory in Starfield. While easy enough, this process can quickly get tedious when you have to do it repeatedly. Keep reading to find out about a quicker method below. Also, while you are here, learn how to grav jump and fast travel in Starfield for a smooth and safe space journey.

Quick Equip and Switch Using the Weapon Wheel

Believe it or not, Starfield does have a weapon wheel that you can use not only for guns but for all kinds of equipment. However, you need to add a gun to your favorites list before you can use it. Follow the steps below to learn how it works.

  • In the game, open the inventory by pressing “I” on your keyboard or the “Menu” button on your controller. Here, click on weapons to open up the entire menu.
click on weapons starfield
  • Now, click on the weapon you want to add to your weapon wheel and press “B” on your keyboard or “A” on your controller.
Favorite weapon starfield
  • This will now open up the weapon wheel, and you will see a lot of empty slots. Click on the slot you want to place the weapon in and confirm your choice.
Quickslot starfield
  • You have successfully equipped the weapon onto your Starfield quick switch wheel. You can now either press “Q” on your keyboard to see all choices or quickly press the corresponding number keys to switch through weapons in Starfield. As for controller users, press the D-pad + direction button to open the quick switch wheel.
quick wheel starfield

Since Starfield doesn’t have a lot of ways to quick swap weapons as of now, these are the only methods you can use to switch to another gun during combat. However, there is always a chance more ways to quick switch will be introduced in future updates. Until then, you can rely on this guide like gospel.

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