Mace is an epic new melee weapon added to the game with Minecraft 1.21, and it calculates damage uniquely. Not only that, but it’s super strong too. To make this weapon, you need a breeze rod and a teeny-tiny block called the heavy core, which is extremely hard to obtain. So, we explain the process to get the heavy core in Minecraft in this tutorial.
Where to Get Heavy Core in Minecraft

You can only find the heavy core in the new trial chambers in Minecraft 1.21. They are generated underground in the Overworld dimension. We have a detailed guide on finding trial chambers so feel free to check it out.
However, before you go there, make sure you’re equipped with decent gear as there will be many trial spawners waiting to spawn mobs for you to defeat.
Once you get to the trial chambers, your job is to obtain the ominous trial key. It’s an item that will be ejected by the ominous trial spawner after you complete this challenge. Then, use this trial key to open an ominous vault and potentially get the heavy core.
However, how do you even find these ominous spawners and vaults to get the ominous key?
You will have to complete ominous trials. They are a harder version of regular trial spawner challenges. So, our advice would be to check them out to get all the information you could need. If you wish to understand the difference between regular and ominous trial spawners, go through our detailed comparison.

Once you open an ominous vault, there is about a 7.5% chance of the heavy core being ejected. However, if that doesn’t happen, you will need to continue grinding and fighting mobs that spawn via ominous trials to obtain the ominous trial keys. The loot these vaults give you is more precious than standard vaults, so you won’t leave the structure empty-handed anyway.
Uses of Heavy Core in Minecraft
1. Mace Weapon
Heavy core is used in the crafting recipe for the mace weapon in Minecraft. It is an extremely strong melee weapon that deals more damage the longer you fall. It also creates an area of effect around the hit target, which knocks back entities horizontally and vertically.
Because of this, it’s not only overpowered but also rather satisfying to use. In order to make this weapon, you will need one heavy core and one breeze rod. Place them in the configuration shown below, and you will have crafted a mace.

2. Decorative Item
Apart from using heavy core to make a mace, you can also use it to decorate your base. Yeah, heavy core is a block you can place like normal solid blocks. It’s smaller than most blocks but still has a solid hitbox.
Furthermore, the heavy core is centered on the top face of the block, so when you place it down it’ll sit perfectly on top of the block.
However, if you want to place it attached to any other side of a block, or even place multiple heavy cores stacked on top of each other, they will create gaps, which is not particularly nice to see. So, you’ll mostly end up using it on top of a block, probably for a simple decoration.

Sadly, it’s not possible to rotate it like mob heads, but it can float in the air, similarly to candles (a common light source in Minecraft).
There you have it, everyone. Now you know how to obtain heavy core in Minecraft and what to do with it. So, if you’re excited to play with the mace, don’t waste any more time and venture bravely into a trial chamber in search of this item.