Google Brings its AI-based ‘SmartReply’ Feature to YouTube

YouTube-swipe-to-exit-full-screen-feat /YouTube automatic product detection feature /

Google’s AI-based ‘SmartReply‘ feature is integrated into a number of its apps and services, including Gmail, Messages and more. Now, the company is extending the functionality to YouTube Creators to more quickly interact with fans in the comments. In an official blog post, Google said that an updated version of SmartReply will be implemented in YouTube Studio. SmartReply for YouTube is currently available only in English and Spanish. There’s no word on when it will be available in other languages.

According to Google, the idea behind bringing SmartReply to YouTube was to help Creators interact more effortless with fans. On its blog post, the company said: “Our goal is to help creators, so we have to make sure that SmartReply only makes suggestions when it is very likely to be useful. Ideally, suggestions would only be displayed when it is likely that the creator would reply to the comment and when the model has a high chance of providing a sensible and specific response”.

Google Brings its AI-based ‘SmartReply’ Feature to YouTube
GIF Courtesy: Google

Google believes that the SmartReply feature in YouTube will be completely non-intrusive. Apparently, it will only offer suggestions when the AI decides that the suggestions are “very likely to be useful”. In fact, the company claims to have trained its AI to specifically identify which comments should trigger the feature. “Ideally, suggestions would only be displayed when it is likely that the creator would reply to the comment. (It will also be activated) when the (AI) model has a high chance of providing a sensible and specific response”, the company said.

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