Google Drive On the Web Gets a Gmail-Like Makeover


Google recently started the rollout of the updated Gmail web interface which brought a ton of new features and also introduced a new UI with Google’s updated Material Design elements. And now Google has brought a revamped Google Drive for the web.

Unlike the new Gmail, Google Drive’s new look does not bring new features with it, so it’s more of a cosmetic upgrade.

We built that this new interface to create a responsive and efficient experience for Drive users, and to feel cohesive with other G Suite products, such as the recently redesigned Gmail.

The noticeable changes are the relocation of a few icons and buttons on the landing page of the web Google Drive UI, in addition to visual tweaks to make Drive more colorful. The redesigned Google Drive is being rolled out in a phased manner and will soon be available globally.

Listed below are the aesthetic changes brought by Google Drive’s new UI:

  • The ‘Google Drive text’ on the top left corner of the homepage has been replaced with the Google Drive logo.
  • In case G Suite users have added a custom company logo to their account, it will be shown in the top-right instead of top-left.
  • The settings icon has been moved from the second row of tools to the top row.
  • The Help Center icon has also been shifted to the top row and it now sits beside the Settings icon.
  • Google Drive’s grey page background is now white
  • The ‘NEW’ files or folder button is now white and pill-shaped, complete with a Google-colored ‘+’ like in Gmail.
  • The header font has also been changed.
  • The files and folders have rounded edges in the UI.
  • When you hover the cursor over tools such as My Drive, Trash, etc. the background highlight is now pill-shaped, compared to the boxy grey appearance in the old interface.

Here are a few images of the redesigned Google Drive UI:

VIA TheNextWeb
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