The Minecraft community takes speedrunning super-super seriously, with dedicated leaderboards and speedrunning competitions from time to time. It’s one of the most popular gameplay styles for hardcore players. If you want to join in on the fun, we’ve today compiled a list of the best Minecraft speedrun seeds that you shouldn’t miss!
We have also included key coordinates to help you as you set out on your adventures. With that said, let’s not slow down and check out the top speedrun seeds to make you a world record!
Best Minecraft Java Speedrun Seeds
1. Best Nether Spawn in Minecraft
Irrespective of their Overworld spawn, most players struggle in the Nether dimension while trying to speedrun Minecraft. To solve that, our seed provides the most speed-runner-friendly spawnpoint of the Nether dimension. But you must make the portal right where you spawn in the Overworld for it to function.

Then, when you enter the Nether you will find yourself surrounded by a Nether fortress on three sides. There, you can collect all blaze rods before wandering to the nearby Piglin biome for trading. You can also get most of your basic resources from chests in the three fortresses. Finally, you just have to return to the Overworld, locate a stronghold, and kill the dragon.
- Seed Code: 1922293527921436389
- Spawn Biome: Forest
- Blaze Spawner Coordinates: X: 110 Z: 44
2. Mansion, Ruined Portal, and Village at Spawn
This is our best speedrun seed, and it offers a series of lucky glitches right at the spawnpoint. You get a huge plains village to collect all the food supplies you need and beds for the final fight. Then, next to the village, you will find a mansion that is home to hostile mobs but also loaded with food, enchanted items, Allays, and weapons. If you feel gutsy, you can try looting the mansion.
If not, the village also has a ruined portal in the middle that has the right amount of lava around it to make obsidian blocks. Things only keep getting better from here on. The ruined portal leads you to a spawnpoint, which is merely a few blocks from a Nether fortress and has one edge next to an area of Piglins.
- Seed Code: 37021689
- Spawn Biome: Forest
- Mansion Coordinates: X: 81 Z: 139
- Ruined Portal Coordiantes: X: 53 Z: 96
- Fortress Coordinates: X: -28 Z: 94
3. Diamond Ore Speedrunning Seed
With traditional dragon-slaying speedrunning going mainstream, players have devised new types of races in Minecraft. One of the most popular new types of speedrun is for finding diamond ore. And there is no better diamond ore Minecraft seed than this one.
Once you spawn, don’t move as there is a huge hole right in front of you. Flowing water will directly lead you to a vein of diamonds.
However, try not to fall into the massive lava lake next to it while making your way to the diamonds. The same area also houses a mineshaft, where you can get wood and other ores that will help you in mining diamonds.
- Seed Code: 1870652620
- Spawn Biome: Desert
- Diamonds Coordinates: X: -145 Z: -58
4. Great 1.16 Speedrunning Seed
Here, we bring you an amazing MC 1.16 speedrunning seed, as someone kindly suggested in the comments – thank you! Your spawn point is right next to a large ocean biome, which means there are lots of beach biomes around.
This is especially important for speedrunning due to the buried treasure loot you’ll uncover easily. Not only that, but you also spawn beside a village, which will provide you with food.
On the Nether side, there are plenty of bastions where you can trade with piglins for ender pearls. However, there is not an easy Nether fortress location. We have mentioned the coordinates of the closest one. On the way to the stronghold, you will find even more buried treasures and another plains village next to the spot where you should dig.
- Seed Code: -4530634556500121041
- Spawn Biome: Plains
- Stronghold Coordinates: X: 980 Z: -1244
- Closest Nether Fortress Coordinates: X: 200 Z: 330
Best Minecraft Bedrock Speedrun Seeds
5. Three Villages and a Stronghold
Our next best seed is simple and perfect for speedrunning, even if you are a beginner. It spawns you next to two villages that have the most important types of Minecraft villagers between themselves. You can trade, collect resources, or stick around to farm crops for your journey.
After that, you have to visit the third nearby village and use its various lava and water sources for your Nether adventure. Once you arrive back to the original village, it holds a stronghold beneath. Happy coincidence, right?
- Seed Code: 7674399779279905778
- Spawn Biome: Sunflower Plains
- Village with Stronghold Coordinates: X: 792 Z: 232
- Spawn Village: X: 168 Z: 40
- Second Village: X: 248 Z: -248
6. Three Stronghold Villages within 1000 Blocks in MC 1.19
This speedrun seed is nothing less than a miracle. It gives us three villages close to our spawn point, and all of them have a stronghold beneath and a ruined portal next to them. The collective resources from the structures are more than enough for you to defeat the dragon twice.
As for the Nether, if you make a portal at your world-spawn, it will lead you to a spot a dozen of blocks away from a fortress. This incredible seed’s description works for Minecraft 1.19. As per our recent testing, in the latest MC 1.20 update, only one village has a stronghold beneath.
- Seed Code: 4381083045955854994
- Spawn Biome: Dark Forest
- First Village Coordinates: X: -1032 Z: 216
- Second Village Coordinates: X: -472 Z: -488
- Third Village Coordinates: X: 632 Z: -376
7. Best Survival Island Speedrun
To raise the stakes of the challenge, many players love to start their speedruns on a survival island seed in Minecraft. If you are one of these players, this speedrunning seed is perfect for you.
It spawns you on a large island filled with trees, lava pools, and a savanna village. It even has an iron smith to help you with your gear. The only reason you will have to get off this island is to find a stronghold, and that’s a task we leave for you to explore.
- Seed Code: -2927611868038818840
- Spawn Biome: Savanna
- Village Coordinates: X: 264 Z: -376
8. Stronghold with Best Mineshaft Loot
This seed combines the two most prominent structures of the Minecraft caves: stronghold and mineshaft. The result is one of the most overpowered strongholds with a few extra hostile mobs but also a dozen uncommon chests. And the best part is that it’s located beneath a village.
So, you can have a meal in the village, collect its bed, and directly head to the stronghold to speed run the game. Here, you can easily build a Nether portal, collect mineshaft’s loot, and easily defeat hostile mobs and the Ender dragon to beat Minecraft.
- Seed Code: -6778246788154565662
- Spawn Biome: Wooded Badlands
- Village Coordinates: X: 824 Z: 200
- Stronghold Coordinates: X: 764 Z: 200
9. Classic Speedrun Seed
For this entry on our list, we have a rather simple seed that is perfect to practice your survival and speedrunning skills. You spawn in a desert village next to an ocean with an area loaded with ores and lava pools.
Once you’re done looting, build a boat (possibly, one with a chest) and head to the ocean. Here, you will first find a ruined portal and then a piece of land with the stronghold under it. If you plan it right, you can be in the End dimension fighting the dragon within 15 minutes.
- Seed Code: 2339839170332492722
- Spawn Biome: Jungle
- Ocean Ruined Portal Coordinates: X: 120 Z: -344
- Closest Stronghold Coordinates: X: -860 Z: -1484
Seeds for Both Java and Bedrock
10. Ultimate Death Speedrun
Nowadays, there is a new type of speedrun going on in the Minecraft community. In it, players try to kill themselves as quickly as possible. As crazy as it may sound, it’s not simple to do unless you get a lucky spawn.
Some players even struggle for minutes before getting anywhere close to reducing their health. Luckily, this seed makes it much easier for you. You just have to load the world and jump down to get fall damage in Minecraft.
- Seed Code: -6733649506412608257 (Java & Bedrock)
11. Woodland Mansion + Ancient City + Village
This ultimate seed is perfect for looting and resource collection in Minecraft. You spawn right in the perfect spot, which is close to a village, a woodland mansion, and even an Ancient City beneath the spawn point.
- Seed Code: 5705783928676095273 (Java & Bedrock)
12. Buried Treasure Galore
Our final seed focuses on buried treasure loot strats. You spawn on the edge of a landmass and there is a buried treasure chest quite close. This seed is especially OP on the Bedrock edition, as there are plenty of treasure chests around your spawn point.
Furthermore, you will come across ruined Nether portals in the area that can provide you with the necessary materials to make and light a Nether portal.
The locations of the closest stronghold differ between the two Minecraft editions, but we made sure to leave their coordinates below. Also, the Nether side is not that great, as you’ll need to travel a bit before finding a fortress and a bastion.
- Seed Code: 5069102972844485557 (Java & Bedrock)
- Spawn Biome: Savanna
- Closest Stronghold Coordinates on Bedrock Edition: X: -1244 Z: 950
- Closest Stronghold Coordinates on Java Edition: X: 1410 Z: -444
With that, you are now all set to make a new world record with these best Minecraft speedrun seeds. But if you aren’t confident in your skills just yet, it’s best to first practice your skills in some of the best custom maps for Minecraft. Most of them aren’t oriented toward speed running but still play a major role in testing and developing a player’s skills.
Not to forget, many of the best Minecraft servers also include a leaderboard and host survival races for you to get acquainted with the blocky adventure that awaits you. Anyhow, irrespective of how you push yourself to the next level, don’t forget to share your survival tips in the comments below!