10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Late in the night on December 2, 1984 India witnessed one of the most dreadful industrial leaks ever. It didn’t only take away a lot of lives but literally made the whole of Bhopal paralysed.

Even today, the effects of Bhopal gas tragedy are felt where many are still fighting for justice for their lost loved ones. Amidst what transpired 30 years ago, the main reason for such a huge disaster taking place isn’t shown in public glare. Government of India hasn’t been able to help the victims as well who are still living under the fear of what took place 30 years ago from today.

We’ve compiled a list of 10 mind-blowing facts that many still aren’t aware of regarding Bhopal gas tragedy.

Here is a list of 10 shocking facts you didn’t know about Bhopal disaster:-

1. From 1982-84, Bhopal based journalist Rajkumar Keswani published four articles (Please Save This City, Bhopal Sitting On Top Of A Volcano, If You Don’t Understand This You’ll Be Wiped Out & Bhopal On Brink Of Disaster) warning people about the Dangers.


2. In 1999, reports found that the mercury levels when the gas leak took place were between 20,000 to 6 million.

3. The Government recorded 5,295 deaths while activists claim that 25,000 people have died from the aftermath in the following years.

4. The next generation of children are born with conditions like brain damage, twisted limbs and musculoskeletal disorders.

5. The main accused Warren Anderson was arrested and released on bail of $2100 by Madhya Pradesh police. He was flown out of the country in a Government place.

6. The cooling system of tanks were non-operational, tower of neutralization of gases when there’s over pressure was non-functional and the turn needed to burn gases in the event of over pressure was non-operational when the gas leak took place.

7. More than 2000 animals were dead from the effect of the gas and were disposed of all together in the nearby river.

8. In 2009, Narain’s Organization made a report stating that the found samples from around the site contained chlorinated benzene compounds and organochlorine pesticides which were 561 times higher than the national standard.

9. Activists have proved that since the site wasn’t cleaned; the groundwater so extracted has toxic chemical waste making the water contaminated for more than 20,000 people in the area.

10. In 2007, 1,029,517 cases were registered and decided. Cases awarded were 5,74,304 while 4,55,213 were rejected. Total compensation awarded was US $250 million.

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SOURCE Wikipedia
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