YouTube Music Swaps out ‘Hotlist’ in Favor of New ‘Explore’ Tab

youtube music adds explore tab

After rolling out a revamped library layout last week, YouTube Music has today taken another baby step today to get closer to the Google Play Music experience. The music streaming app now replaces the existing ‘Hotlist’ tab with a new ‘Explore’ tab on the bottom navigation bar. This change is primarily focused on making it easier for users to discover new music.

The Explore tab, as shown in the screenshot above, is divided into two sections – New releases and Moods & Genres. The former’s function is clear as day while the latter will show users curated playlists for different genres. The ‘Moods & Genres’ could be a nice gateway to some new tracks or artists for a lot of users.

Quickly glossing over the specifics of the Explore page UI, YouTube Music will let you quickly access the two sections at the very top. It will, however, also show content from these sections including new albums, singles, and a tabular genre layout that does look similar to Spotify.

The YouTube Music update with the new ‘Explore’ tab is yet to reach Android and iOS users. At least no one at the Beebom office seems to have received the update. We only have this one marketing image to get a feel of what this feature has to offer.

The Explore tab is a much-needed and welcome addition though. The Hotlist section only listed trending music videos based on your location. But now, you will get access to more curated recommendations – in tune with your listening habits.

YouTube Music recently bagged the option to display song lyrics within the app, simply by tapping the ‘info’ button next to the song title. Google is almost ready to shut down Play Music in favor of YouTube Music, but have you made the switch yet? Let us know in the comments below.

VIA Android Central
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