What is Minecraft Adventure Mode – Explained!

Minecraft, throughout the years, has had its share of conspiracies and secrets. But a secret feature that the majority of players still don’t know about is the unbeatable Minecraft Adventure Mode. It defies everything Minecraft stands for. You can’t craft, place, build, or freely explore in this mode, and unless you have the perfect seed with perfect skills, you can’t beat it. Though, as a Minecraft player, beating the game isn’t your main priority anyways. So, keeping that in mind, Minecraft Adventure mode has a lot to offer. But how does it differ from survival mode, and how you can make the most out of it, there is a lot to unfold. So let’s not waste another second and learn all about the Adventure Mode in Minecraft.

Minecraft Adventure Mode: Everything You Need to Know (2022)

As of 2022, Minecraft offers survival, creative, hardcore, spectator, and adventure game modes. The one we will explore in this tutorial is the popular Adventure mode, which is available in almost all Minecraft editions and changes the game’s core functioning. So yeah, keep in mind that this game mode is created to make the most out of custom maps, and using it in random worlds generated via the best Minecraft seeds might not be the best decision. Keep reading to understand how.

What Is Minecraft Adventure Mode?

In simple terms, Adventure Mode is a game mode in Minecraft that allows the players to design their own custom maps or play on maps designed by others with a story- and mission-driven aspect to it. The standard Minecraft experience has no quests and freedom to break and use any block. However, that is not the case with Adventure mode. You can only break some of the blocks and need specific tools for them, while other blocks cannot be broken in this game mode.

In technical terms, this mode limits a players’ ability in a similar fashion as on the Survival Mode. You can only destroy blocks with a “CanDestroy” NBT tag. These are data tags assigned to give entities, blocks, and tools their properties. So, gone are the days when you could break tree trunks with your bare hands. Similarly, you will need a “CanPlaceOn” NBT tag while placing blocks to have objects being placed in the world.

Then, there’s the question about crafting. Thankfully, even with a more rigid destruction system, you can still craft stuff as you normally would in Adventure mode. Later in this article, we will cover how different Adventure Mode actually is in comparison to the other game modes. For now, the mob attacks, trading with villagers, and Redstone on/ off mechanisms will function the same as regular Minecraft.

As Adventure mode is usually played on custom maps, the limitations on breaking blocks or placing them take away the ability to ruin a map by player’s actions. However, those on the Bedrock edition and not the Java edition of Minecraft can change this by turning on the “worldbuilder” ability set. We would not recommend doing so because it can end up ruining the whole intended gameplay experience.

What Is the Aim of Adventure Mode?

Firstly, Minecraft is one of the best performing video games of all time to date. Secondly, it is in competition with games from every genre. Now, to compete with such a diverse audience, Adventure Mode seemed like the only solution. It takes away the standard world-building and exploration ability to challenge players into somewhat non-generic situations. From fighting zombies to escaping prison, there are an endless set of options for adventure as long as you keep an open mind.

Unlike a general Minecraft game, you spawn at a specific location in Adventure Mode and have to complete specific challenges to progress further in your journey. Yeah, since it’s Minecraft, you can always choose to hang around and not do missions. But the option to play in a unique mission-based system is what makes this mode popular among players.

How to Turn on Adventure Mode in Minecraft

Before we go on making more claims about this game mode, it’s time for you to experience Adventure mode for yourself first. So open your Minecraft game and follow the steps below:

1. From the home screen, select the “Singleplayer” option. You can use Adventure Mode in multiplayer too, but we are sticking with the offline gameplay in this tutorial.

Minecraft SinglePlayer Option

2. Now, Minecraft doesn’t let you create an Adventure world by default. You have to turn it on in-game for which we need to enable cheats. We will first create a cheat-enabled world. So, select the “Create New World option.

Minecraft worlds list

3. Then, you can keep the rest of the settings as you want but make sure to click “Allow Cheats” to turn it ON. Once you do that, you can click on “Create New World to generate a cheat-enabled Minecraft world.

Minecraft New World with Cheats

4. For those who are using an existing world, there’s another way to enable cheats. Press the ESC key or pause key and click the “Open to Lan” option. Then, turn on the “Allow Cheats” option by clicking on it.

What is Minecraft Adventure Mode – Explained!

5. Now that you have allowed cheats in an existing or a new world, it’s time to change the game mode in Minecraft. To enable Adventure Mode, open the chat option. PC users can access it by pressing the “/” key. Console users will have a dedicated icon or button to open chat options. In the chat window type “/gamemode adventure” and press Enter or the action key.

Minecraft cheat for Adventure Mode

On some versions of the game, you might have to enter “/gamemode a” or “/gamemode 2” if the original command doesn’t work. And that’s pretty much it. You have successfully enabled Adventure mode in Minecraft.

Difference Between Minecraft Game Modes

Now you have the ability to test the Adventure Mode in this sandbox game. But as you can notice while switching over, Minecraft has many game modes to offer. That leads to the obvious question from many of you – what’s the difference between adventure mode, survival mode, and hardcore mode in Minecraft. Well, here’s how all the Minecraft game modes differ from each other:

Unlimited Mining & CraftingRegular Mining & CraftingVery Limited Mining & Crafting No Mining or Crafting Regular Mining & Crafting
Unlimited Health & FoodRegular Health & Food Bars Regular Health & Food Bars Unlimited Health & Food Regular Health & Food Bars + an Experience Bar
Mobs don’t attack but you can kill themRegular mob spawning and fightingUsually custom mobs & spawningCan’t interact with Mobs in any wayRegular mob spawning and fighting but no respawning of player.

Four Tips for Surviving in Minecraft Adventure Mode

If you haven’t played Adventure Mode in Minecraft ever before, adapting to it might be a little hard. Fortunately, we have some tips to help you settle in better. Follow these to better your chances of survival in Adventure Mode:

Read the Instructions

Chances are that you will be using Adventure mode on custom maps. On such maps, the creators leave a ton of instructions and clues. As Minecraft can’t have specific cutscenes or side characters, relying on your reading material is a big part of survival. Using the guides that come with those custom maps can be useful too.

Find Villages for Resources

Packed with food, crates, and friendly traders, villages are a safe haven for players in adventure mode. If you are lucky, you will also find an iron golem to protect you during your journey. As for the players playing on a randomly created map, remember to locate a village before turning on Adventure mode. One of your best friends would be a crafting table in Minecraft in this game mode. So, try not to settle for a village without a crafting table house, if possible.

Get Some Sleep to Avoid Mobs

Unless you need to go out at night to fulfill objectives, the next best thing after finding a village is to sleep. You can continue your arduous exploration when there are fewer hostile mobs around during the daytime. Most villagers have a bed ready to be used in their homes that you can access by right-clicking on it.

Collect Items and Make a Base

A key part of surviving in adventure mode comes with the resources you collect. Whether it’s tools, blocks, or food, everything is essential and scarce. So to make the most out of them, you need to establish a fixed location with chests to store all your collected resources. Hopefully, with a village nearby and a good sleeping spot, that should be easy enough.

Best Custom Maps for Minecraft Adventure Mode

Now that you know what to expect out of Adventure mode and how to enable it, it’s time to start playing. As I have mentioned several times before, the best way to make the most out of the Adventure Mode in Minecraft is through custom maps. So, it’s only fair to list a few of the best Minecraft Adventure Maps.

1. The Mystery of Herobrine

Mystery of Hero Brine Series
Official Screenshot

This includes is a series of maps that revolve around the tale of Herobrine. There are multiple plot twists, boss fights, and explorable construction involved. You can download chapter 1 of the series here. The map is made with a single player in mind, but you can play it up to three people.

2. Mysteria on Island Unknown

One of the most unique Adventure mode maps, Mysteria, starts with a random island where a mysterious voice will guide you through your journey. It mentions hidden abilities and mysteries that the players can explore on the island. For beginners, the map can be a bit confusing but once you get a hang of it, there’s plenty that you can expect out of it. You can download the Mysteria on Island Unknown custom map right here.

3. Terra Restore 2

Best Custom Minecraft Adventure Maps
Official Screenshot

This massive map is one of the best-rated Adventure mode maps of all time in Minecraft. You get to travel with an Enderman while trying to restore the world of Nira. The map gives you plenty of freedom in the way you can interact with it, and the storyline is pretty interesting as well. If nothing else suits you, there are still tons of animals and monsters you can interact with within Terra Restore. If that sounds up your alley, download this custom map right here.

Start Playing Minecraft Adventure Mode

With everything explained in detail, you are now more than ready to start exploring the Adventure mode in Minecraft. Download some of the best custom maps, maybe invite a few friends, and start playing for your life. For the ones without RTX on Minecraft Bedrock, you can try installing Optifine in Minecraft to improve the performance and make the most out of your experience. Now, don’t wait a minute longer and start your new Minecraft adventures right away.

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