With the electric vehicles segment staring to heat up in India, TVS Motor has launched its first-ever all-electric connected two wheeler in the country. Called the iQube Electric, the scooter comes with a 4.4 kW electric motor that the company claims will deliver high performance and efficiency with no transmission loss. According to figures provided by TVS, the iQube has a max speed of 78 kmph and a range of 75 kms on full charge. It is also said to accelerate from 0 to 40 kmph in 4.2 seconds.
According to an official press release from the company, TVS iQube Electric is equipped with the proprietary TVS SmartXonnect platform and comes with advanced TFT cluster. It also has an accompanying TVS iQube app that enables multiple features, such as Geo-fencing, Remote Battery Charge Status, Navigation Assist, Last park location, Incoming call alerts/SMS alerts and more. Some of the other features of the scooter include Q-park assist, Multi-select economy and power mode, Day and Night display, as well as Regenerative Braking.
The iQube Electric is available for purchase in Bengaluru from today before being possibly rolled out to other major cities across the country in the coming months. It has been priced at Rs. 1.15 lakh and is only being offered in white. It will be available for purchase via the company’s official website, as well as select TVS dealerships in Bengaluru with a booking amount of Rs. 5,000.
The iQube announcement comes close on the heels of the launch of the Bajaj Chetak Electric, which comes with a price-tag of Rs. 1.19. Like TVS, Bajaj is also taking baby steps when it comes to the launch of its new electric scooter, and it will initially only be available at a handful of pro-biking dealerships in Bangalore and Pune before its availability is expanded to more locations around the country. However, with the growing popularity of electric vehicles around the world, we should expect to see more such launches in the days ahead.
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