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How to Turn Off Incognito Mode on Android
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If you are using an Android device and are trying to close those Incognito tabs that have stacked up on your browser, Chrome lets you do it by swiping tabs left or right inside the tab overview or by going to 3-dots icon > Close all tabs. Firefox's interface is very similar to Chrome's, and you can follow those exact same steps to close tabs. Edge is slightly different in terms of UI, but the functionality remains the same.

How to Turn off Incognito Mode on iPhone
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To turn off the Incognito mode of any browser on your iPhone, you will need to look for the tab icon when on an Incognito tab. Select this icon to get into tab overview, and here, you can easily swipe left or right on tabs to close them, if the particular browser supports it. Else, you can simply hit the small cross icon on top of these tabs to close them. Most browsers also allow you to clear all such Incognito tabs at one go through the tab overview.

How to Turn Off Incognito Mode on Chrome
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Google Chrome's Incognito mode is very easy to wrap your head around, but there are subtle tricks that you should know of. For starters, on Windows, to close an Incognito window, you can simply use the Ctrl + W shortcut. On Mac, you will need to use the Command + W shortcut. Meanwhile, on the mobile app, you will need to head into tab overview by tapping on the tab icon at the top right on Android or bottom right on iOS.