#Honkai Star Rail 2.6
31 Stories

Honkai Star Rail Fugue: Kit, Eidolons, Signature Light Cone
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Fugue, Tingyun's new form, is a mainly a Break Support, but she can excel in many different teams due to her Toughness and Defense reducing abilities. Fugue's Talent is the biggest highlight of her kit, making enemies take additional Break Effect damage by adding another layer of fake toughness on them. Her kit is filled with Break Effect increasing abilities and she can also deal a fair share of damage with her Ultimate and Enhanced Basic Attack.

All 15 Treasure Chests Locations in Penacony Paperfold University in HSR 2.6
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Discover all 15 treasure chest locations in Honkai: Star Rail's Penacony Paperfold University with our step-by-step guide.

How to Get Is This Real Achievement in HSR 2.6?
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Complete the "Is This Real?" achievement in Honkai: Star Rail 2.6 with our guide. Learn how to find the Concert Band Club booth.

HSR Lordly Trashcan Paperfold University Location and Answers
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Paperfold University is the newly added area in Honkai Star Rail and it features two new Lordly Trashcans. Answering the Lordly Trashcans correctly will you obtain rewards directly, otherwise, it will initiate battle.

HSR Quid Pro Quo Light Cone: Stats and Materials
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Quid Pro Quo is a 4-star Light Cone for Abundance characters in Honkai Star Rail. This Light Cone regenerates energy for allies with less than 50% of the Max energy at the start of the wearer's turn. Quid Pro Quo is a good Light Cone for teams that like Energy Batteries in their team.

How to Get Student Club Staff Members Achievement in HSR 2.6
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Learn how to get the Student Club Staff Members hidden achievement in Honkai Star Rail 2.6. A simple guide for quick 5 Stellar Jades reward.

How to Get Fast & Family Achievement in HSR 2.6
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Complete the "Fast & Family" achievement in Honkai: Star Rail 2.6. Learn how to find the Racing Club Members and earn 5 Stellar Jade.

HSR Dream Ticker Puzzles in Paperfold University: Location and Solutions
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Paperfold University has a total for three new Dream Ticker puzzles and each one has a unique twist to it. Solving all the Dream Ticker puzzles in this area and meeting with all three of them together later will reward the Dream Ticker avatar and Sunday Night Live Achievement. Other rewards for the puzzles are Stellar Jades, 4-star Relics, Traveler's Guides, Lost Gold Crystals, Clock Credits and more.

How to Get The Goblet of Fire Achievement in HSR 2.6
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Unlock "The Goblet of Fire" achievement in Honkai: Star Rail 2.6 with our detailed guide. Learn how to find Prema and read all her emotions.

How to Get Draw It Yourself, Pen! Achievement in Honkai Star Rail 2.6
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A clear guide on getting the "Draw It Yourself, Pen!" achievement in Honkai: Star Rail 2.6 along with rewards and map location.

Honkai Star Rail: Rappa’s Story of Her Tragic Past Will Move You to Tears
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The Dazzling Ninja Rappa may look extremely joyful and funny at most times, her past is a completely different story. Rappa was an experimentation of Dr. Primitive and she was infected with the memetic virus, which caused her to speak the way she does with rap.

Who Is Mr. Reca in Honkai Star Rail? Answered
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Mr. Reca is a memokeeper of the Garden of Recollection and a renowned film director known around the cosmos. He helped Profnana infiltrate Paperfold University to track Dr. Primitive's whereabouts. Mr. Reca is expected to be a playable character in the future, with leaks hinting his reappearance in version 3.x.

Who Is Dr. Primitive in Honkai Star Rail? Answered
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Dr. Primitive is an inter-galactic criminal, known for his Atavistic Experiments on multiple planets that regressed the people into Apes or monkeys. He is also the #64 member of the Genius Society and an Emanator of Erudition in Honkai Star Rail. Rappa was one of the victims of Dr. Primitive's experiments, being constantly experimented on while growing up.

Chordal Mirage Locations in Honkai Star Rail and How to Get It
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Planning to build Rappa or saving for future Imaginary characters? Learn how to get the new ascension material Chordal Mirage in HSR 2.6.

HSR After the Charmony Fall Light Cone: Stats and Materials
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Learn about After the Charmony Fall Light Cone in HSR - its stats, best characters, ascension materials & whether it's worth pulling.

HSR Rappa Build: Relic, Stats, Team & Light Cone
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Rappa is a 5-star Erudition character in Honkai Star Rail with Imaginary element type and her kit is an AoE Break Effect. The 4-piece Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge, and 2-piece Talia: Kingdom of Banditry are her best Relics and Planar Ornaments. The best team comp for Rappa is Rappa (DPS), Harmony Trailblazer (Support), Ruan mei (Support), and Lingsha (Sustain).

5 Reasons Why You Should Pull Rappa in HSR 2.6
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Rappa is one of the new Erudition Imaginary characters and she is a Break DPS. She holds a ton of value in her kit and can be a strong DPS option for any player. Rappa is also very F2P friendly and has an extremely cool design. She is also going to be one of the best partners for Fugue after version 2.7 releases.

Ninjutsu Inscription Dazzling Evilbreaker is the signature Light Cone of Rappa. This Light Cone increases the Break Effect of the wearer and advances their action on using two Basic Attacks after using their Ultimate. Ninjutsu Inscription Dazzling Evilbreaker is currently only best for Rappa, Jade and Serval in Honkai Star Rail.

HSR Sacerdos’ Relived Ordeal Relic: Location, Bonus & Best Characters
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Sacerdos’ Relived Ordeal is the new Support Relic set added in Honkai Star Rail version 2.6. This Relic set allows Support characters to increase Crit Damage of one ally when targeting only one of them with their Skill or Ultimate. The best characters for this Relic set are Sunday, Tingyun, Bronya, Sparkle, Hanya and Yukong.

HSR Scholar Lost in Erudition Relic: Location, Bonus & Best Characters
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Scholar Lost in Erudition is the new DPS Relic set added in Honkai Star Rail version 2.6. This Relic set increases Crit Rate and Damage dealt by the wearer's Ultimate and Skill considerably. The best characters for this Relic set are Argenti, Jingliu, Feixiao, Serval, Yanqing, Misha, Acheron and Serval.

Honkai Star Rail 2.6 Maintenance: Start and End Time
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Honkai Star Rail 2.6 maintenance will begin at 06:00 AM and end on 8:30 AM (UTC+8) on October 22, 2024. The servers will be down for 5 hours during the Maintenance and players will be compensated with 300 Stellar Jades. The HSR 2.6 pre-installation has also been announced and is currently available for download.

Honkai Star Rail 2.6 Release Date and Time (Countdown Timer)
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Honkai Star Rail 2.6 will release on October 23, 2024, at 11:00 AM (UTC +8). The upcoming version 2.6 will add the new 5-star character — Rappa, who is from the Erudition path with the Imaginary element. The 2.6 version will also release a new Simulated Universe game mode and two new Relics.

Top 5 Light Cones for Rappa in Honkai Star Rail
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Rappa is a Hypercarry Break DPS with very few good Light Cone options, as she mainly scales on Break Effect. The After the Charmony Fall Light Cone is the best alternative Light Cone and The Seriousness of Breakfast is the best F2P Light Cone for Rappa. Rappa's Signature Light Cone, Ninjutsu Inscription: Dazzling Evilbreaker, is her best Light Cone option.

Top 5 Best Rappa Teams in Honkai Star Rail
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Rappa is AoE focused Break DPS and she can deal Toughness damage regardless of enemy weakness. Ruan Mei, Harmony Trailblazer and Lingsha are the strongest allies of Rappa as they can provide Break Damage buffs. The best Rappa team is Rappa as main DPS, Ruan Mei as support, Harmony Trailblazer as Support and Lingsha as sustain.

Honkai Star Rail 2.6 Events and Rewards
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There are 8 new events in Honkai Star Rail 2.6 and two of them are permanent while the others are time limited. One of the events is the new game mode Unknowable Domain that will be added to the Simulated Universe. Version 2.6 will give tons of rewards including Stellar Jades, Self Modeling Resins, Tracks of Destiny, and a new 4-star Light Cone.

Honkai Star Rail 2.6 Banners: Characters and Light Cones
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Honkai Star Rail 2.6 version will start on October 23rd and end on December 3rd, having the expected 42 days cycle. This version will feature one new character and two new Light Cones in the banner. The first phase of 2.6 will have 5-star characters Rappa and Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae, alongside the 4-star characters Lynx, Xueyi, and Yukong.

Honkai Star Rail Rappa Materials and Farming Guide
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Rappa is the new 5-star Erudition character who is a Break DPS and uses the Imaginary Element. All of her character ascension materials are Dream Material Group and Chordal Mirage. All of her trace level-up materials are Dream Material Group, Rough Sketch group, Lost Echo of the Shared Wish, and Tracks of Destiny.

Honkai Star Rail Rappa Kit, Eidolons & Signature Light Cone
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Rappa is the upcoming new playable character featuring in the first phase of Honkai Star Rail 2.6 phase 1. She is an Erudition character and uses the Imaginary Element. Rappa is also the first Break DPS from the path of Erudition. Rappa is a Galaxy Ranger and she is roaming the stars chasing the villain named Evil Ninja Osaru.

Honkai Star Rail 2.6 Livestream Codes: Free 300 Stellar Jades
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The HSR 2.6 livestream is scheduled for October 11, at 7.30 PM (UTC+8). The livestream will give out Redeem Codes for 300 free Stellar Jades. Redeem the codes either from the website or from the in-game settings and claim them from in-game mailbox.

Honkai Star Rail 2.6 Livestream Date and Time (Countdown)
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Honkai Star Rail 2.6 livestream date and time have been announced by Hoyoverse. The HSR 2.6 Special Program is scheduled for October 11, (Friday) at 7:30 PM (UTC+8). It will stream on YouTube and Twitch simultaneously. The livestream will reveal details about the new 5-star character Rappa, upcoming events, two new Relics, and more.

HSR Leaks: Fan-Favorite 5-star Character Rumored to Rerun in Version 2.6
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Leaks via Firefly Leaks revealed the upcoming HSR 2.6 rerun character, featuring alongside Rappa. Acheron is the expected to be one of the rerun characters in version 2.6 and may feature in the same phase as the new character Rappa. This will be Acheron's first rerun banner since her release in version 2.1 in Honkai Star Rail.