This Yves-Behar Designed Smart Mirror Comes with a Built-in Weight Training System

Forme feat.

Technology and fitness have had a relationship since the recent past. As going to the gym is actually a myth for some of us, many companies have tried to bring the gym to us. This Yves-Behar designed smart mirror is a similar kind of home workout station that comes with a built-in weight trainer.

Swiss designer, Yves Behar, who is also the chief designer of the award-winning design firm, Fuseproject recently unveiled the Forme. It is essentially a life-size mirror that comes equipped with an array of fitness features and an actual weight training system integrated. Users can also expand the features of the home-workout station by attaching additional accessories.

Now, at first glance, the product looks nothing more than a modern mirror. However, hidden behind that mirror is a resistance system that is used to mimic a weight training system. Users can also use different techniques of workout to get the best out of the device. They can pull or push the ropes at various weights from different angles to perform their preferred exercises for a great workout session. However, the company haven’t mentioned anything about the maximum weight it can deliver.

Forme 1

When the Forme is not in use, the mirror looks like a regular mirror with its weight simulating arms hidden-away behind it. When the user wishes to workout, the arms come out automatically from both sides. Users can grab these to start their session.

Now, another unique and cool feature of the smart mirror is that it can adapt to users’ workout style and also adjust the weight of the pulleys which are best for the users. The users can also set specific goals – like build a muscle, build endurance or just get a little slim and the device will act accordingly.

The additional accessories that attach with the Forme also stay hidden in a secret compartment in the mirror. According to the company, the device will display an almost like-size figure of the user while working out. This is for users to monitor and check the figure to understand the changes in the users’ body.

The Forme will be launching soon although no exact date is known as of now. If you want to buy one, you will have to pay $149 (~Rs 11,390) monthly for 39 months. This adds up to $5,811 (~Rs 4,43,994) when it is fully paid off. This price includes the physical device and the fitness content subscription.

So you know, if you’re into really expensive mirrors, at least this one offers some really cool features to go along with it.

VIA Verge
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