Reliable Cloud Based File Storage and Sharing Service, Seafile (Review)

In previous years, cloud computing has, either directly or indirectly, truly become the backbone of today’s web world in many aspects. In current scenario, as far as techies are concerned, cloud-based file storage & sharing services such as Google Drive and Dropbox are sort of necessities for online life. It is also clear that majority of us use such kinds of services for multiple purposes. Regardless these members, SeaCloud – a part of Seafile – has come up with a superb platform to store and share your documents in a truly intuitive way. In this post, we will review Seafile and would let you know our opinion about this cloud-based file storage service!

What does Seafile Offer?

As we mentioned earlier, Seafile is one of cloud-based file storage & sharing services, in which you can host files, and share them with your friends or colleagues. The service free storage of 1GB, and ensures all your files are safe, as the service itself is hosted on Amazon Web Services. However, Seafile offers upgrades at affordable rates, which, indeed, makes the service even attractive.


Literally, the main intention of the service is to create an effective environment, in which users can share documents and other files within a group that is accessible through multiple platforms. Also, it is worth noting that regardless the plan, service allows creation of unlimited groups. You can use multiple methods such as Desktop Clients, Android & iOS Apps, web-based platform etc to access your SeaCloud. Now, however, we shall explore different aspects of Seafile to understand whether Seafile is better than other file storage & sharing solutions.

Sign-up Process & User Interface

Registering for SeaCloud is an extremely simple process that requires no more than a few seconds. You can visit the official website of SeaCloud and click on the ‘Sign Up’ link located at right top section. In the next page, you will have to provide details such as Email and password of the account. Once you have submitted the information, you can see the dashboard of SeaCloud, which consists of single library (refers to sort of Folders, literally).


As you can see in the image shown above, home page of SeaCloud is simply effective! Recalling what we said before, the service denotes bigger file system directories using ‘Library’ and you can create as many libraries as you want. In the left side, there are some options such as clients, messages, contacts, etc. As a whole, User Interface of SeaCloud is something amazing and makes sense.

Sharing Options

Since SeaCloud is dedicated for file sharing among friends and colleagues, the service boasts a number of options for sharing your files. For instance, you can create a special group for your colleagues, and share necessary files in-group so that all of your colleagues can access those files. In each group, you can create libraries and folders and create discussions with members etc.


At the same time, you can share an entire library, folder, or single file using special button that is visible in right side of file name. In addition, the option to add contacts helps you share files with ease, and you can add contacts by entering email IDs of your friends or colleagues. If in case they are not members of this service, they will receive an invitation from SeaCloud. Altogether, sharing options of SeaCloud fits main purpose.


Something Extra

Apart from this, Seafile offers a service called ‘private server’ as well. Since Seafile is an open-source project, you can install this system in your Windows/Linux servers. By doing so, you can implement a better platform to do teamwork of your company. Also, you can purchase the business version of their Seafile, in which you will have many additional features.

Final Word

As of our experience, SeaCloud is something awesome, and it does fit the purpose very well! Especially, we liked the sharing option very much! So, we have to conclude that Seafile is one of the best cloud-based file sharing service you can grab nowadays.

Try out Seafile: Link

SEE ALSO: Amazon Web Service Vs Rackspace Cloud

comment Comments 1
  • Thomas says:

    I have tested Seafile with my own server, and I was astonished by how clean this cloud infrastructure is, considering the small number of people involved in the development. I would actually recommend it just for the ease of installation compared to other cloud applications like ownCloud, nextCloud, etc.

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