Major Issues Faced by Samsung Galaxy S3 users

Samsung Galaxy S3 is one of the finest smartphones we have today. It is packed with excellent features which are better than almost any other rival phone. Despite this, there are few serious issues users have been facing in S3. If we compare the reviews, it won’t be inappropriate to say that S3 has garnered more negative reviews than its predecessor, S2. Let’s check out the issues one by one-

Battery problem:

All the users are facing serious battery problems with their device. It is actually quite common for smartphones, the battery drains while in data network or while using offline media applications. But the users have complaint about the battery loss in standby mode. However the general user population have learnt to put up with it, the enthusiasts raised their voice about the problem. Hence the officials now have revealed that it is an indicator problem because the drain value in framework-res.apk file is wrongly set at 34mA instead of 3.4mA. This is quite big a miscalculation for a reputed company like Samsung, already when they’re competing with quality brands like Apple, Nokia and HTC.

There is no reason to worry as we have a solution here. You can fix the problem easily by just updating the “power_profile.xml” file in framework-res package.

Another problem faced while charging is that it fails to connect after plugging it in socket. However, this problem was faced by few specific users and thus is not a major issue. But then, in case, if you’re one such victim, don’t frustrate cos we have a solution for you- try connecting charger after some time and keep cell phone off till it is fully charged.


If you’re thinking this as just another problem that happens to almost everyone using high end smartphones then you’d be much more than shocked to know that the S3 actually exploded due to over heating. The user also posted the pictures after explosion on the S3 forum. After checking out, we found the lower edge was completely burnt and it looked so serious as an issue. The phone also freezes so much that it stops working and switches off itself. However, it is a happy relief that Samsung has already looked into the matter and have released a statement addressing this issue:

“There have been recent online posts displaying pictures of a Samsung GALAXY SIII that appears to have heat-related damage at the bottom of the device. Samsung is aware of this issue and will begin investigating as soon as we receive the specific product in question. Once the investigation is complete, we will be able to provide further details on the situation. We are committed to providing our customers with the safest products possible and are looking at this seriously.”


The next problem faced by users is with the WiFi connection. They are not able to connect to any kind of WiFi, either at home or at work. Earlier, users looked towards this as a problem with the network provider, but after so many online forums that described same problem faced by number of users, it was confirmed to be the defect in handset. However, Samsung still says this to be the network problem and haven’t given any statement regarding the problem.

Well, it was surprising for us as well to be exposed to such shocking defects in one of the best smartphones. We still remember, similar problems were faced by Galaxy R and nothing worthwhile was done regarding it as Samsung had many other handsets that covered the segment and filled up the gap. But, its lot different with S3. If the problems aren’t identified soon Apple would become clear cut emperors of Smartphones as the iPhone 5 is doing exceptionally well. Let’s hope Samsung soon identifies and fixes up all the problems.

[Here are some of the user reviews from few users-

“Battery doesn’t last even a dfeay in moderate use, so bit of a setback,some bug issue, i think, Samsung rectify it soon.”

“I bought S3 last month. But after seeing my friend’s Lumia 900, I changed my mind to buy Nokia Lumia 920. It’s the best mobile. Good bye Samsung!”

“Guzzles juice under heavy use and can get quite warm when its processor is stretched. Too little RAM, it needs atleast 2GB  to run properly. I often have to manually clear the RAM to be able to play HD games without stutter. Screen too dim for outdoors.”

“Google wallet can’t be enabled.”

“Verizon version has limited apps, limited updates, limited :-[ “

SEE ALSO:  Top Value For Money Smartphones in 2012

Comments 5
  • Craig says:

    Who ever wrote the story, must work for Samsung…this is one of the worst devices on the market….terrible in every way…I wish I had my flip phone back…

  • Dennis says:

    im having problems with the keypad. touched letter pops out but nothing appears in the text box. anyone knows what to do? also having overheating issues. my s3 is just 5 months old!!!

  • Krotow says:

    We has 4 SG S3 here. Battery drain and overheating is not a big problem. Actually battery life is very good at most conditions. But WiFi issues (signal level dropping after connection to AP without any reason) is a most annoying bug. We has 2 B/G routers with different names and channels from different manufacturers and same problem affected all our S3. My coleague seriously think to return his S3 back. It is shame for such good device.

  • Parth007 says:

    I faced problm wid overheatng

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