PUBG Gets an Official Back Story and Introduces Us to PlayerUnknown

pubg reveals official back story

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, better known as PUBG, is known to have kicked-off the battle royale phenomenon back in 2016. It sparked the creation of similar titles where a player drops into a battlefield with X number of other players, fighting to be the last man standing. Well, PUBG (not to be confused with PUBG Mobile) is now entering its fourth season and the developers have revealed the official lore behind the game.

PUBG Corporation has dropped a cinematic trailer for the upcoming fourth season, which kicks off on July 24, to reveal how a young boy went from being a “lone survivor” on the island of Erengel to being filthy rich such that he could bring 100 players to that island to fight and kill each other.

The Season 4 trailer attached below tells us how Erengel in its current form came to be. The young boy we just talked about was the lone survivor of a 1965 bombing in Erengel, which is known to us as the first official PUBG map. He hid from soldiers and scavenged around to survive on his homeland, only to later realize that he could turn it into his own battleground. He’s the PlayerUnknown, who has installed cameras all around the map to witness the chaos as it unfolds.

The trailer is bound to make us excited about PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds again and give us chills at the same time. Don’t forget to check it out:

If you’re thinking, why is PUBG now telling the story for how the fights for the ‘Chicken Dinners’ originated, well, it’s because the battle royale world as we know it right now is soon going to be expanded. The company is now working on a spin-off for their battle royale title, focusing on ‘an original narrative experience within the PUBG universe.’

PUBG Corporation recently hired Glen Schofield, who is well-known for his work on the popular Call of Duty and Dead Space franchise, to head up the studio developing your PUBG spin-off title with a proper storyline. The trailer hints at this young chap being a protagonist for this upcoming game. You will be fending off soldiers and saving skin in Erengel’s deserted land to survive and become the PlayerUnknown, the mastermind of hellish chaos.

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