Pokemon GO Mega Alakazam Raid Guide: Weakness & Counters

In Short
  • The Mega Alakazam in Pokemon GO is one formidable opponent.
  • While this Pokemon is resistant to fighting and psychic-type Pokemon, its weaknesses include bug, dark, and ghost Pokemon.
  • Mega Alakazam has a lot of good counter Pokemon, including Gengar, Houndoom, Beedril, and more.

As Pokemon GO commences the mega raids as part of its June 2024 roadmap, players have chances to catch particular Pokemon throughout these raids. Mega Alakazam is again returning from last month to cause havoc against players. And just like last month, Mega Alakazam will all but stop you dead in your tracks with its psychic powers. Want to avoid that? Keep reading as we show you how through our dedicated raid guide below!

Mega Alakazam Strengths

Mega Alakazam Pokemon GO
Image Courtesy: Niantic

Most things from last month’s Mega Alakazam encounters still apply for June 2024. Hence, if you’ve previously fought this raid boss, everything stays unchanged. As Mega Alakazam is the ultimate version of this creature, we will need to know its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s start with its strengths first.

Unsurprisingly, Mega Alakazam is quite robust against many Pokemon types. However, its main strengths are its effectiveness and resistance against fighting and psychic-type Pokemon. So, Pokemon like Machamp, Lucario, and many others will have a tough time dealing any damage to Mega Alakazam. Hence, avoid building any team with either of these two Pokemon types.

Mega Alakazam Weaknesses

Thankfully, this pesky Pokemon also has some weaknesses. It primarily belongs to the Psychic element type, so most attacks use confusion as the focal point. Fortunately, Mega Alakazam is weak against Bug, Dark, and Ghost Pokemon. So, popular Pokemon like Gengar, Beedrill, etc are a good idea to bring along with you to the fight if you don’t have the recommended Pokemon below!

Mega Alakazam Counters

Mega Alakazam Counter

Now that we know what makes Mega Alakazam tick let’s have a look at some of its best counters. Given below are the Mega Alakazam counters, along with their best moveset. If you fought the boss earlier last month, the same counters apply to the June 2024 Alakazam raid. So, check the Pokemon below:

  • Shadow Mewtwo: (Psycho Cut and Shadow Ball)
  • Mega Gengar: (Lick and Shadow Ball)
  • Mega Tyranitar: (Bite and Brutal Swing)
  • Houndoom: (Snarl and Foul Play)
  • Beedril: (Bug Bite, X-Scissors)
  • Heracross: (Struggle Bug, Megahorn)

The best course of action here is to bring over the shadow variant of Mewto and the mega variants of Tyranitar and Gengar. These three Pokemon are the best counters to a Mega Alakazam and will be a formidable opponent against him.

How to Add Mega Alakazam to Your Team

If you don’t have an Alakazam in your Pokedex, you’ll get a bonus battle where you catch one. Once you have an Alakazam in your inventory, you’ll get rewarded with Mega Energy. Once you collect 200 Mega Energy, use the item and evolve your Alakazam to a Mega Alakazam.

Let us know if you’ve encountered this Pokemon in-game in the comments below. Remember, as of today, the Pokemon appears during the raid hours, i.e. between 6 PM and 7 PM local time. Furthermore, Mega Alakazam will leave the Mega Raid rotation on June 10, 2024. Hence, you only have a few more days.

Can you encounter a shiny Mega Alakazam in-game?

This month, shiny Mega Alakazam is available in the rotation as part of the Mega Raids. The spawn rate is low, and adding them to your party is even tougher than one might expect. However, they will spawn with better rates during the Mega Raid event.

Does a Mega Alakazam have evolution?

Mega Alakazam is already the ultimate form of the Pokemon. As such, it has no further evolution.

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