Instagram Testing ‘Creator Accounts’ for Celebs, Influencers

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With over 1 billion monthly users, Instagram has become the go-to platform for marketers to reach their target audience. Now, in order to woo the influencers and celebrities on its platform, the company has decided to rollout ‘creator accounts’ with features like analytics and direct messaging filters.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Instagram is currently testing these creator-specific accounts with a small group of people. Reportedly, these creator-specific accounts are meant for digital influencers and artists with rapid growth on the platform.

Ashley Yuki, an Instagram product manager who oversees media solutions and IGTV among other products, said, “Creators are an important part of our community. We want to make sure that Instagram is the best place, and the easiest place, to build fan communities and also build personal brands.” 

Creator-specific Tools

These new creator accounts, as I mentioned earlier, will have creator-specific tools such as analytics with better growth insights and new direct messaging tools. Instagram’s business profile holders already have access to insights. Creators will be able to monitor their weekly and daily growth and see how their follower count has changed. The best part, however, is the fact the creators will be able to see insights from across feed, stories, and IGTV.

As for the Direct Messaging tools, it appears that the new creator account holders will have tools to filters notes from brands and friends separately. So, if you are an influencer, then you’ll presumably able to see messages from brands and your friends separately. Additionally, the creators will also be able to rank their pending requests by relevance or time to make sure they’re not missing any important message.

As I said earlier, these new creator accounts, with all the new features, are currently being tested with a small group of beta users. As of now, there’s no official word on this, but you can expect these features to rollout by next year.

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