Instagram is getting Broadcast Channels, something that is also present on Telegram, as announced by Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg. These Instagram channels will help creators disseminate important updates and news to their followers in a one-stop place. To mark the start of channels, Zuckerberg has also announced the Meta Channel, which is now live.
Instagram Broadcast Channels Arrive
The Broadcast Channels on Instagram will be a public chat, which will be led by creators to release information in the form of texts, videos, voice notes, and even photos. You can become a part of a channel and get all the information you need but there won’t be an option for you to reply.
You can only react to the messages that come from the creators or reply to the polls created by them to provide feedback. There’s the ability to list other channels for people to join. Plus, you can mute the channels, decide to leave them, or even control the notifications.

When a creator gets to make a Broadcast Channel, a one-time notification will reach their followers to join it. And if you are not a follower, you can still join the channel but will be required to follow the creator first. This can happen either by tapping a channel link in the creator’s bio or via a ‘join channel‘ sticker in their Stories. Creators will also be able to pin the channel link to their profile but this will be rolled out soon.
Other soon-to-arrive features include AMA (Ask me Anything), the introduction of another creator, and more. Creators with Subscriptions can either choose to enable the channels for all followers or just for the paid ones. Currently, besides Mark Zuckerberg, there are limited creators that can have Broadcast Channels that too, in the US. This should expand in the coming months. Here are the creators that are a part of the early access program of Broadcast Channels.
- Austin Sprinz (@austin_sprinz)
- David Allen (@ToTouchanEmu)
- FaZe Rug (@fazerug)
- Katie Feeney (@katiefeeneyy)
- Chloe Kim (@chloekim)
- Flau’jae (@flaujae)
- Gilbert Burns (@gilbert_burns)
- Karen Cheng (@karenxcheng)
- Josh Richards (@joshrichards)
- Lonnie IIV: (@LonnieIIV)
- Valkyrae (@valkyrae)
- Mackenzie Dern (@mackenziedern)
- Tank Sinatra (@tank.sinatra)
- Mikaela Shiffrin (@mikaelashiffrin)
The Broadcast Channels once joined, will show up in the DM section, much like other chats. The Broadcast Channels will also arrive for Facebook and Messenger in the coming months. So, what are your thoughts about this? Do you think it will come in handy? Let us know in the comments below.