- Android doesn't offer a native and direct way to disable voicemail, but there are some workarounds.
- The easiest means to do this is by asking your carrier to disable voicemail for your number.
- Other ways involve using call forwarding or by filling up voicemail inbox manually.
Voicemail could come in handy when you’re busy and unable to take calls. However, if you want some time away from your usual life, you might not want to receive new voicemails until you are back. While there’s no direct option to disable voicemail on Android, there are still a few ways to do so alongside a few workarounds. Here’s how to turn off voicemail on Android.
How to Turn Off Voicemail on Android
There are a handful of ways that you can use to disable voicemail on your Android phone. You can turn it off by requesting the deactivation of this feature from your carrier, filling up your voice mailbox, or by forwarding your incoming calls to another number.
Method 1: Ask Your Carrier to Disable Voicemail
The easiest way to disable voicemail on your number is to ask your carrier to disable it. You can do so by dialing their support code and choosing the required IVR options to connect to a consumer executive. You can then ask them to disable Voicemail on your number. Once you do that, you should no longer receive voicemail on your Android device.
In most cases, you should be familiar with your carrier’s support code, but if you aren’t, here are the support codes for some of the popular US carriers. You can dial the relevant codes by accessing the Phone app’s keypad screen.
- T-Mobile – 611
- Verizon – (800) 922-0204
- AT&T – 611
- Vodafone – 191
- Telus – 611
Method 2: Fill Up Your Voicemail Storage
One of the clever workarounds to turning off voicemail on Android is to fill up your voicemail. Your number can only store about 20 voicemail messages. Once it is full, the caller will be intimated that the voicemail is full and will no longer be able to send you a voicemail. To fill up your voicemail manually:
- Open the Phone app on your Android device and dial your number.
- Once it says “Unable to reach,” it should let you drop a voicemail to your own number.
- Do this 20 times. Leave a voicemail that isn’t too long and you can do this quickly.
- Once done, your phone number should no longer accept voicemail.

Method 3: Forward Your Calls
Call Forwarding is another clever way to rid yourself of voicemail. We all have at least one number that’s collecting dust at home, which you can use whenever you don’t want to take calls or listen to voicemail.
Do note that this is a temporary solution, and some of your important calls could also be routed to the number when left unanswered. All you need to do is:
- Access the Call Forwarding screen inside the Phone app > Settings > Operator-related settings (or Calling Accounts) > Call Forwarding. On Samsung phone, you can access this screen by heading over to Phone > 3-dots icon > Settings > Supplementary services > Call Forwarding.
- You can then enable Call Forwarding by turning on a specific condition for when incoming calls are forwarded.
- Once done, type a number you want to forward calls to and tap on OK.

All your calls should now be forwarded to that number when left unanswered. Similarly, the voicemail will technically be stored on the other phone’s voicemail inbox, keeping your voicemail inbox free.
You can use call forwarding to disable voicemail as well. Just turn off all the call forwarding options and the voicemail will not be forwarded to your number. However, many have reported this to not work, but you could still give it a try.
These are all the ways and workarounds you can use to turn off voicemail on your Android phone. The first two methods should work the best, while the second one is more of an experiment.
Regardless, let us know if all these methods work for you in the comments below.