How to Disable IPv6 on Windows 10 PC

Internet Protocol version 6, also known as IPv6 is the successor to the current Internet Protocol, IPv4. It’s all set to eventually replace IPv4 as the standard protocol, as it increases the number of available IP addresses and even improves IPv4’s routing capabilities. IPv6 utilizes 128-bit internet addresses, unlike 32-bit addresses used by IPv4, which essentially means that the latest protocol can support 2^128 internet addresses, which is enormous to say the least. Since we’re running out of IP addresses supported by IPv4, we’ll eventually have to make the switch to IPv6. However, IPv6 has its fair share of downsides. The new Internet Protocol has security flaws, which essentially opens up possibilities for attackers to infiltrate your network. In addition to this, the addresses supported by IPv6 incorporate hardware MAC addresses, which might be a major concern when it comes to privacy. Since the usage of IPv6 is extremely low, you can keep it disabled if you’re worried about its current flaws. So, if you’re interested, let’s take a look at how to disable IPv6 in Windows 10:

Disable IPv6 in Windows 10

Note: I’ve managed to successfully disable IPv6 for a network on my computer running Windows 10, but the procedure is similar for systems running older Windows versions, like Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

In order to turn off IPv6, head over to the Control Panel on your Windows 10 PC and simply follow the steps below to get it done without any hassle:

  • Once you’re in the Control Panel, click on “Network and Internet” option located on the left pane.

Network and Internet

  • In the next menu, head over to the “Network and Sharing Center” which is pretty much the first option that’s displayed.

Network and Sharing Center

  • Now, click on “Change adapter settings” in order to make changes to your network.

Change adapter settings

  • Once done, right-click on the network for which you want to disable IPv6, and go to “Properties”.

Network Properties

  • A new window will now open up on your screen and once you scroll down just a little bit, you’ll notice the Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) option. In order to disable or turn it off, simply uncheck the box right next to it and click on OK to save your settings.

Uncheck IPv6

Well, that’s pretty much all you got to disable IPv6 for a network in your system. However, if you have set up multiple networks, you’ll have to disable IPv6 for each of them individually.

SEE ALSO: IPv4 vs IPv6: The Future Of Internet Protocols

Disable IPv6 on Windows PCs to Fix Connectivity Issues

If you’re concerned regarding the security flaws associated with IPv6 or you’re facing connectivity issues on your computer, it’s fine keeping the newest protocol disabled, as IPv4 is still the dominant protocol used by majority of the servers across the world. However, it’s worth noting that the tides will turn and IPv6 will eventually become the dominant protocol within two years time, despite its slow adoption rate. So, have you guys disabled IPv6 for a network on your computer already? Do let us know the specific reasons, by shooting your valuable opinions in the comments section down below.

comment Comments 2
  • bela says:

    Why can’t techno-nerds figure out how to “grandfather” in those of us who do NOT wish to upgrade to the latest/greatest/costly innovations? Am tired of being FORCED to upgrade to new software, hardware, technologies when what I’ve got now is good enough for my needs!

  • Danielle Franchi says:

    Disabled IPV6 on home network due to getting a lot of conflicting IPAddress messages, which were conflicting MAC addresses. Also getting a lot of PING Spiking while gaming… we are testing now – its been about 48 hours and have not experienced either issue YET.

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