How to Copy Crosshairs in Valorant

We have all been in Valorant games spectating a teammate and they are killing enemies with ease. Now, it might make you think, “Oh, that crosshair looks cool, is that the secret to their aim?” Well, if you’ve ever thought this way, you would be pleased to know that Valorant lets you copy your teammate’s crosshairs and use them. So, in this guide, let’s learn how to use the copy crosshair command in Valorant.

With the release of Valorant patch 5.04 in August 2022, Riot Games introduced the ability to copy the crosshair settings of the teammates you are spectating in the game. Earlier, players had to search online or ask others for their crosshair codes. That said, let’s look at how you can copy a teammate’s crosshair in Valorant:

How to Copy Someone’s Crosshair in Valorant

Step 1: Check Empty Crosshair Slots

The initial step to start your crosshair journey in Valorant is to check if you have empty crosshair slots. To do that, follow the steps below:

  • First, go to the settings menu in Valorant.
Valorant Settings Menu
  • Move to the crosshair section. This is where you can make your own crosshair manually or copy other player’s crosshairs.
  • Once here, click on the “Crosshair Profile” dropdown menu and make sure all 15 are not filled.
  • If you have already filled all 15 slots, you can delete a profile by selecting it and clicking the trashcan icon.

Step 2: Use Copy Crosshair Command

After freeing up your crosshair slots, you can jump into a Valorant game and copy your teammates’ crosshair using a simple command. So, follow these steps:

  • First, you need find the teammate whose crosshair you like.
  • After you are eliminated, use the left mouse click to find the teammate in spectator mode.
  • Once you find the crosshair you want to copy, press enter to open the in-game chat.
  • Now, type the Valorant command “/crosshair copy” and press enter. You can also type “/cc” to do the same thing faster.
  • And that’s it. The crosshair of the teammate you were spectating has now been copied.

Step 3: How to Use the Copied Crosshair

You can now use the copied crosshair in your Valorant games using the following steps :

  • Go to the “Crosshair Profile” option under Crosshair settings in Valorant.
  • Here, open the crosshair profile dropdown menu to find the crosshair that you copied in-game. Select the profile from the dropdown and enjoy your new crosshair.
  • You can also rename the copied crosshair in Valorant using the edit profile name button on the left of the dropdown menu.

How to Import Custom Crosshair Profiles in Valorant

Valorant also allows players to import or export custom crosshair profile codes. If you see any streamers or pro Valorant players using a crosshair that you wish you could use, you can simply check our Valorant crosshair codes list and copy it. Now, let us guide you on how to use the copied crosshair code.

  • First, go to the crosshair section in your Valorant settings.
  • Here, you will find the import crosshair option under “Crosshair Profile” section.
  • Once you click the import crosshair button, a pop-up window will open up. You will find an empty text box to paste the code that you copied here.
  • After you paste the code in the text box, the import button will light up. Now, click the import button.
  • You can see a confirmation box appear. Press “Okay,” and you can use the copied crosshair in your Valorant game.
  • To check the imported crosshair, go back to the crosshair profile section. Open the dropdown menu to see your imported crosshair in Valorant. You can also rename the profile using the earlier-mentioned method.

How to Export Your Crosshair in Valorant

If you wish to share your crosshair code with a friend or just want to save your code for safekeeping, you can also export your crosshair code in Valorant.

To export a crosshair code, you need to go to the crosshair section in Valorant settings. Here, click the export button next to “Crosshair Profile,” and the code will be copied. You can now paste the crosshair code in a note, share it with your friends on Discord, or use our crosshair import guide to use the exported in any Valorant game.

Where can I find updated pro players’ crosshair codes?

You can simply go to our crosshair codes list and pick the one that suits your needs on any Valorant map you play in. We regularly update our database with the latest crosshairs that professional players and streamers use in-game.

Can I use the crosshair copy command in Valorant after my slots are full?

You are allowed to use the command, but you will receive a notification in the chatbox, saying you do not have any slot remaining for the new crosshair.

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