Hammer has launched the new Fit+ smartwatch in India. The one comes with exciting features like inbuilt games, a stress monitor, a big display, and so much more at under Rs 3,000. Have a look at the details below.
Hammer Fit+: Specs and Features
The Hammer Fit+ has a 1.85-inch display with 500 nits of brightness and a screen resolution of 240 x 286 pixels. It has a metallic build and features fewer bezels around the screen. There’s also support for detachable straps.
The smartwatch comes with 5 menu styles and more than 100 watch faces to choose from. There’s a built-in microphone and speaker to enable Bluetooth Calling. You can perform controls like mute calls, shift calls, and even change the volume levels via the watch.
The health features include a blood pressure monitor, a SpO2 monitor, a heart rate sensor, a sleep tracker, and a period tracker too. You also get to practice breathing exercises, count the calories, steps taken, and the distance covered. There’s also support for in-app GPS.
The Fit+ can last up to 5 days and comes with features like the Theatre mode, Find My Phone, inbuilt games, a calculator, an alarm clock, a stopwatch, DND mode, a flashlight, gesture control on music and camera, and much more.
It is compatible with both Android and iOS and comes with Google Assistant and Siri support, respectively. Ther Hammer Fit+ can be accessed in Hindi and also supports an IP67 rating.
Price and Availability
The Hammer Fit+ retails at Rs 2,399 and can be bought via Amazon and the company’s website. It rivals options like the boAt Wave Electra, the NoiseFit Twist, and more.
Buy Hammer Fit+ via Amazon
The Hammer Fit+ smartwatch seems to be a great option for those looking for an affordable yet feature-packed device. I like that it has a big display with good brightness and a metallic build, which gives it a premium feel. The wide range of menu styles and watch faces is also appealing as it allows for customization. The health features such as blood pressure and heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, and the ability to count calories and distance covered are impressive.