Google Play Store’s New Policy Will Kill Third-Party Call Recording Apps

Call Recording shutterstock website

Google is making a major change by introducing a new Play Store policy. This policy will affect all those who use third-party call recording apps on Android since these will be killed, starting next month. This change is part of Google’s constant endeavor to stop the practice of call recording for which it has taken several steps in the past. Here are the details to know.

Call Recording Apps Might Soon Perish!

Google has announced a slew of new Play Store policies and one of those suggests that its Accessibility tool, which is being used by many developers to provide users with call recording apps, can’t be used by these developers anymore. This means that the third-party call recording apps will cease to exist for Android users. This change will come into effect, starting May 11.

Google’s support page states, “The Accessibility API is not designed and cannot be requested for remote call audio recording.” It was initially spotted by a Reddit user.

For those who don’t know, the Accessibility API was a way for developers to provide call recording services to people with Android 10 and above when Google blocked this functionality by default. Google started this by blocking the official call recording API with Android 6.0. Although, you should know that Google’s Pixel phones and a few OEMs like Xiaomi and Oppo do provide in-built call recording.

And people using any of the phones from these companies should take a sigh of relief as this new policy change won’t affect Android devices that come with in-built call recording functionality. Google has clarified this in a video webinar by stating, “Remote in this context refers to call audio recording where the person on the other end is unaware of the recording is taking place.

The reason behind this total blockage of call recording apps is for the privacy and safety of the users, although, we don’t know if this strict policy is really a good idea, given that an inbuilt call recording feature is still very much there.

It remains to be seen how the developers of third-party call recording apps handle this news and what comes as an alternative option for people who rely on these apps. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think Google’s decision is rather harsh? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

VIA XDA Developers
Comments 2
  • Michael Daugherty says:

    TL;DR: Many complaints. Do you have suggestions?

    Complaints about App store recording policies are abundant. But, what are you willing to do? At very least, what is your suggestion? Can you elaborate on any of the following ideas?
    1) Bluetooth device
    2) Rooting the phone
    3) Marketing differentiator
    4) other hardware hack / mod
    5) App store alternatives
    6) National media attention
    7) Influencing Google / Apple
    8) Influencing Samsung / Amazon
    9) Starting a local P.A.C. Calling you representatives.
    10) Local/national laws. (i.e. The act of documenting crime can not be infringed)
    11) …

  • Michael Daugherty says:

    TL;DR: The issue is publishing NOT recording. Recording should always be allowed. However, publishing recordings must be regulated and limited.

    Call recording helps to balances power between:
    spouses / domestic abusers
    dates / rapists
    children / abusers
    consumers / scammers
    citizens / unlawful police, prosecutors, etc …
    voters / special interest groups
    people / criminals
    etc …

    Sharing recordings with law enforcement should always be ALLOWED and regulated. People and companies who make recordings publicly available without consent (should be / are) subject to defamation actions. Laws (should) exist to ENCOURAGE and REGULATE publishers who publish recordings that expose corruption, malfeasance, etc. Publishers (should) carry private insurance before they publish recordings and have limited liability. Publishers of anonymous recordings must be held to the same liability as the actual source. App stores and recording apps must be held harmless if they require a disclaimer.

    We need a good-faith documentary covering the major moral and legal issues surrounding call recording and publishing. Both sides of the issue have valid points. It’s an issue that crosses political and geographical divides. Policy-wonks should have a sober and mature understanding of Japanese dishonor standards. I wish I could suggest a good-faith studio. Intellectually honest policy-wonks unite! It’s a great book idea! Better hurry!

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