Fortnite on iOS Has Earned Almost Five Times As Much As PUBG Mobile Already

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The incredible popularity of Fortnite has not only made it an all-time classic, but it is also earning way more money than its closest Battle Royale rival, PUBG. Latest reports now show that the trend is not limited to just PCs and consoles, but also on mobile, despite the fact that it is yet to be publicly released on Android. While PUBG Mobile is available on both iOS and Android, Fortnite: Battle Royale is only available on iOS right now, although, the Android version is expected to launch soon.

According to data released by Sensor Tower to Bloomberg, Fortnite is apparently raking in nearly five times more revenue than PUBG Mobile, in spite of the fact that the latter has garnered almost twice as many downloads during the same period. The super-popular title from Epic Games has reportedly earned $92 million in 11 weeks ending on June 18, compared to around $19 million grossed by PUBG during the same period.

Fortnite on iOS Has Earned Almost Five Times As Much As PUBG Mobile Already
Image Courtesy: Sensor Tower (via Bloomberg)

While PUBG has managed to close some of the revenue gap against Fortnite in recent times, the latter remains the more lucrative of the two by an order of magnitude. Another interesting observation is that Fortnite earns more than half of its revenues from the US, and PUBG is relatively more popular internationally, with Japan and South Korea accounting for 17 percent and 11 percent of the game’s gross revenue, respectively.

Fortnite: Battle Royale is currently only available on iOS, and not on Android. Once it does launch on the world’s biggest mobile platform, Randy Nelson, the head of mobile insights at Sensor Tower, predicts that it will “at least double the player base”, possibly generating even more revenues for Epic.

comment Comments 4
  • Aditya Suradkar says:

    According to you what will be the release date or month for fortnite mobile??

  • Rishi Dev says:

    When is fortnite android coming

  • Secretly Tencent says:

    Fortnite sucks. Period.

  • Rajput Hackers says:


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