How to Delete Apple Watch Software Update File

At times, the watchOS software update fails to install on Apple Watch. While a poor internet connection is often the main culprit for the ill-fated installation of the software update on Apple Watch, congestion and system failure are no less responsible. Whenever I hit this path, the very first thing that I do to fix the “Can’t download and install watchOS software update” issue is to delete the Apple Watch software update file. More often than not, it does the trick for me in sorting out the problem. Let me show you how it works:

Can’t Download and Install Software Update on Apple Watch? Here is the Fix

You can delete the watchOS software update both from Apple Watch and the paired iPhone via the Watch app. So, if the installation of software update has failed on your Apple Watch, follow along to get rid of it so that you can go for the fresh install.

Remove watchOS Software Update File on Apple Watch

  1. Launch the Settings app on your Apple Watch.

open Settings app on Apple Watch

2. Now, tap on General. 

Tap on General

3. Next, tap on Usage. 

Choose Usage option

4. Next up, tap on Software Update. 

Select Software Update option

5. Now, tap on Delete.

Tap on Delete

5. Finally, tap on Delete again to confirm that you want to remove the Apple Watch software update.

Make sure to tap on Delete again

Delete watchOS Software Update File Using Watch App on iPhone

Getting rid of the update file from the Watch app is just as upfront.

  1. Open the Watch app on your iPhone.

Open Watch app on iPhone

2. Now, be sure the My Watch tab at the bottom left corner of the screen is selected.

Tap on My Watch tab

3. Next, tap on General. 

Choose General

4. Next up, scroll down and choose Usage. 

Tap on Usage

5. Up next, tap on Software Update.

Choose Software Update

6. Tap on Delete. Make sure to tap on Delete again to confirm.

Get rid of the watchOS update


  • Once you have deleted the update file, you can start the fresh installation of the software by going to Settings app -> General -> Software Update.
  • You can also update the software using the Watch app -> General -> Software Update. 

Get Rid of Apple Watch Update File with Ease

So, that’s the way you can remove the watchOS software update from your Apple Watch. Save this hack for the times where the update installation has failed and you wish to start afresh.

We have created a detailed guide about Apple Watch’s common problems and their possible fixes. So, if you want to have some reliable fixes to get rid of the common watchOS problems, do check out that post. By the way, do you have any questions or feedback related to this topic? Be sure to shoot it in the comments section below.

comment Comments 1
  • D says:

    What do you do if your phone it was paired with (iPhone 6s) is no longer functioning and you reset to pair with a newly acquired older iPhone.. but then watch says the phone needs to update in order to pair but it’s already as up to date as can be (iPhone 6). I don’t have a macbook or iTunes.

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