Are you one of those people hunting for royalty-free stock images? Look no more, a company is offering a vast collection of 100,000 free faces of people entirely generated by AI that you can use for all your stock image needs.
The website is named Generated Photos and you can use any of the images for a multitude of purposes by providing a link attribution back to the website so that more people can discover this priceless resource.
Icons8, a website for free icons and photos is the company behind this project. “Generated Photos is the free resource of 100k faces to use for a variety of creative goals. What makes them special is that all the free images were produced completely by artificial intelligence. None of these people is real!”, wrote the company in a blog post.
The founder of Icons8 Ivan Braun claims that the algorithm was trained on 29,000 images of 69 models over three years to come up with this solution. You might be wondering why it would take three years to train 29,000 images. Well, that’s because all the training data was shot in-house and no images were used from stock image websites or by scraping the internet. Cool, right?
While most of the images look realistic, some of the images generated by the AI are simply unusable. However, that will change once the algorithm matures with extensive training data. The developers behind the project are also working on a simple API that will help to easily organize and search all the images based on the meta properties and physical properties.
You can also browse the collection of generated images on Google Drive from here. So, what are your thoughts on these images? Tell us in the comments.
Check-out Generated Photos