The Boys Season 4 Episode 7: Who Is the Shapeshifter?

In Short
  • The Boys Season 4 Episode 7 has brought in a new shapeshifting supe.
  • Naomi Frenette plays the role of this new supe.
  • We don't know the name of this shapeshifting supe yet but she can take the form of anyone she touches.

The Boys Season 4 Episode 7 is finally on air and it does have given us some serious buildup for the season finale. However, in the episode, we saw a new supe being introduced to us with the powers of shapeshifting. Even though the name of the shapeshifter has not been revealed to us, we do guess who it could be. So, in this article, let’s learn more about who is this shapeshifter supe in The Boys Season 4 and who plays her.

Shapeshifter Could Be Malchemical from The Boys Comics

The Shapeshifting Supe Could Be Malchemical
Image Courtesy: The Boys Wiki

Now we do not exactly know who this shape shifter is in The Boys Season 4 episode 7. Her name was not given to us since the subs and everything referred to her only as “The Woman”. However, we think that this shapeshifting supe could be Malchemical from The Boys comics but the way she shapeshifted, is not how Malchemical did so it’s hard to say who it could be. I guess we will have to wait till The Boys Season 4 Episode 8 releases to find out about her identity.

What Are the Powers of Shapeshifter in the Boys Season 4 Episode 7

As far as we know about this new character, she has to touch the person she wants to turn into and then quite literally rip her skin off like a cocoon to be reborn in the shape of the person she touched. It also seems like she not only copies their form but also has all their memories since she knew the passcode for the safe in Hughie and Annie’s house when she stole the laptop. Other than this, there is no other detail about this character so let’s wait till The Boys Episode 8 for some light on this character.

Naomi Frenette Plays the Shapeshifting Supe in The Boys

The Boys Season 4 Episode 7: Who Is the Shapeshifter?
Image Courtesy: IMDb

Even though we were not given the exact name of the Supe we do know who plays her. The role of this mysterious supe is played by Naomi Frenette who has been a stuntwoman for numerous superhero projects like X-Men: Apocalypse and X-Men: Days of Future Past. This is probably the first time she is performing on screen as a main character so let’s see how big of a role she is going to play in The Boys.

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