Pokemon GO Enamorus Raid Guide: Best Counters, Weaknesses and How to Catch

In Short
  • Enamorus is available in 5-star raids from February 6-17, 2025, with a Raid Hour on February 12.
  • The best counters are Dusk Mane Necrozma, Shadow Metagross, and Mega Gengar.
  • The Pokemon can be duo battled with optimal counters, but 4+ trainers are recommended for comfortable raids.

Enamorus, the fourth member of the Forces of Nature, has returned to Pokemon GO in its Incarnate Forme for another raid rotation. From February 6 to February 17, 2025, trainers can challenge this powerful Fairy and Flying-type Legendary Pokemon in 5-star raids. If you want to add this unique Pokemon to your collection, we’ve got you covered. So with that, here’s a full Pokemon GO Enamorus incarnate forme raid guide for you to go through.

Pokemon GO Enamorus Stats and CP Values

Enamorus Incarnate Forme possesses impressive offensive capabilities but has relatively modest defensive stats in Pokemon GO. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its stats and CP ranges:

Stat CategoryValue
Max CP (Level 40)3425
Max CP (Level 50)3873
Raid Catch CP Range1872 – 1957
Weather Boosted CP Range2340 – 244

Pokemon GO Enamorus Weaknesses and Resistances

As a dual Fairy and Flying-type Pokemon, Enamorus has a unique set of strengths and vulnerabilities that you should consider when planning your raid strategy. The best

Best Enamorus Strengths:

Best Enamorus Weaknesses:

Best Enamorus Counters in Pokemon GO

When challenging Enamorus in raids, these Pokemon will serve as your most effective counters.

PokemonImageFast MoveCharged Move
Dusk Mane NecrozmaMetal ClawSunsteel Strike
Shadow MetagrossBullet PunchMeteor Mash
Mega GengarLickSludge Bomb
TyranitarSmack DownStone Edge
RhyperiorSmack DownRock Wrecker

How to Catch Enamorus in Pokemon GO

To catch Enamorus, you’ll need first to defeat it in a 5-star raid battle. The raid can be completed with 2-3 trainers using optimal counters, but we recommend having 4-5 Pokemon GO trainers if you’re using standard counters. After defeating Enamorus, you’ll enter the catch phase, receiving Premier Balls based on various factors such as damage dealt, gym ownership, and friendship bonuses.

For the best chances of catching Enamorus, use Golden Razz Berries and aim for Excellent Curveball throws. The catch circle is positioned at a medium distance, making it relatively straightforward to land consistent throws. Take your time with each throw, and wait for Enamorus to finish its attack animation before throwing your ball.

Can Enamorus Be Shiny?

Currently, Shiny Enamorus is not available in Pokemon GO. As this Legendary Pokemon was only recently introduced to the game in 2024, its shiny variant is expected to be released in future events. The shiny version will feature distinctive orange-colored reeds on its chest and horns, offering a subtle but noticeable difference from its regular form.

While Enamorus may not be the most meta-relevant Legendary Pokemon, it offers a solid performance as both a Fairy and Flying-type attacker. Its unique typing makes it particularly useful against Dark-type Pokemon. Whether you’re collecting Legendary Pokemon or looking to strengthen your raid teams, don’t miss your chance to catch Enamorus during its current raid rotation.

With that, are you excited to catch Enamorus in the upcoming raid? Let us know in the comments below!

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