Mixer’s Education Hub Can Be Your Teacher During Quarantine

Microsoft Mixer education hub

Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, most of the educational institutions have been shut down and students are under quarantine at their homes. Learning doesn’t has to stop though. Microsoft’s game streaming service Mixer knows the need of the hour and has launched a new “Education” category to bring educators and learners together.

Mixer announced the launch of this category on Twitter earlier today, saying that it gives educators an opportunity to share their knowledge with their classes, friends or well, the whole Community. Anyone can jump into the Education category, accessible via this link, and tune in to learn a topic that captures their interest. Mixer has largely been focused on interactive gaming but being an outlet for educators is a first.


Though the Education hub was opened merely hours ago, there has already been some activity in this category. The beauty of a streaming platform is that not only teachers but anyone with a special skill could start streaming to impart that knowledge to others willing to listen. And even you, who may not be a student, can join in to learn something new.

Apart from Mixer, students can head to YouTube to continue remote learning during their quarantine period. The Google-owned video streaming service has partnered with Khan Academy to launch the ‘Learn@Home‘ hub to help students who are missing school.

Microsoft Teams has also gotten a big push during the lockdown, thanks to its decision to make premium features available to all for free for the next 6 months. Teachers and students are turning to virtual classrooms to avoid large gatherings.

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