- Minecraft Snapshot 25W04A has reverted a couple of bug fixes that reduced your movement speed while traversing diagonally while using items when you are sprinting in the game.
- With this snapshot, Crossbows will show the charged arrows in their tooltip, including Fireworks as well.
- Finally, you can press Ctrl+Pick on the tooltip of all the Containers present in the game. This was exclusive to Shulkerboxes but has now been made available for all forms of containers.
Another week, another Minecraft Snapshot. The newly released Snapshot again introduces a few technical changes and reverses some old bug fixes. These fixes caused many issues and had a negative impact on the Minecraft surroundings, and the community raised this issue as well. On a brighter note, Minecraft now supports the Kyrgyz language, so this is good news for those who can communicate with it. With that said, let’s dive into this article and explore all the changes introduced in the new Minecraft 25W04a Snapshot.
Minecraft Snapshot 25W04A: All New Features

The latest Minecraft Snapshot reverts the previous bug fixes: MC-271065 and Mc-152728. The first bugfix normalized the diagonal movements while crouching and when you use certain items, like eating, drinking potions, and so on. The second fix was made for the bug that enabled sprinting while performing actions that slow down your character, like sneaking or using a shield.
There were several negative side effects caused by the parkour movements, speedbridging, and other movements in general due to these fixes. Now, these fixes are taken back, and moving diagonally or performing any actions while sprinting won’t slow you down.
The next change includes showing all the charged projectiles in the Crossbow‘s tooltip rather than just the first one. This includes all projectiles like arrows and Fireworks.
The third change includes showing the first four items in the tooltip of the Containers by pressing Ctrl+Pick block. Finally, there are a couple of technical changes, including changing the Data Pack version to 64 and that of the Resource Pack to 49.
These are all the changes introduced in the latest Minecraft 25W04A Snapshot. As you can see, the 25W04A snapshot brings in a lot of technical changes that ought to improve your gameplay.
What do you think about the fixes and how much of an effect do they in the parkour mechanics? Let us know in the comments below!