Huawei Beats Apple to Become the Second Largest Smartphone Brand in Q1 2019

huawei beats apple

Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Huawei, has now beaten Apple to become the world’s second largest smartphone brand in the first quarter of the year, says data from a Counterpoint Research report, which also shows that Samsung and Apple have been losing ground in the smartphone world in Q1 2019.

According to the data, Huawei sold a whopping 59.1 million smartphone units in the first quarter of 2019, up 50% from the 39.3 million smartphones the company shipped in the same quarter last year. This insane growth, helped along by the fact that both Apple and Samsung’s shipments declined, propelled Huawei to the second spot in the list.

Samsung shipped a total of 72 million smartphone units in Q1 2019, down 8% from the 78.2 million units it shipped in the same quarter last year, whereas Apple was one of the biggest losers across the board, shipping only 42 million smartphone units in Q1 2019, down a whopping 20% from the 52.2 million units it shipped in Q1 2018.

Counterpoint Research analyst Shobhit Srivastava said, “Huawei became the second largest smartphone brand by shipment without a significant presence in an important market like the United States.” He further added that “It was also the fastest growing brand among the top 10. At this pace, we expect Huawei to remain ahead of Apple at the end of 2019.”

SOURCE Counterpoint Research
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