- In LEGO Fortnite, you can find copper ores inside the lava caves of Dry Valley (desert biome).
- Craft a rare pickaxe using 3x Sand Claw and 3x Flexwood Rods to mine the copper ores.
- Use the copper to unlock new recipes and make a metal smelter, copper bars, or upgrade weapons and tools.
Out of all the resources, Copper is the first metal you get in survival games like LEGO Fortnite and even Minecraft. It’s used in the game to create many items and crafting upgrades. However, unlike Minecraft, you must hustle to get the copper in this game. But we are here to make your life easier. So keep reading as we talk about how to find copper in LEGO Fortnite easily.
Where to Find Copper in LEGO Fortnite
To obtain copper in LEGO Fortnite, you will need to travel to the Dry Valley, which is located in the Desert biome. Once there, look for the caves known as Lava Caves. However, these lava caves are hard to find, so it will take a lot of exploration and a fair bit of walking.

Once you are inside the lava caves, look for the green and bronze-colored ores. These copper ores will be scattered around the cave ceilings and walls. Now that you have located the copper ore, you can mine them using proper tools. Keep reading to learn how.
Tools You Need to Mine Copper
Before you begin mining Copper from the ores, there are a few things you will need. For starters, you will need a Rare Pickaxe.
We also recommend you carry some additional regular wood with you. This wood will help you build stairs to reach higher ceilings before you start mining copper. Most importantly, ensure you have plenty of LEGO Fortnite food items like Frost Berries, Berry Shake, and even a cool-headed charm to survive the extreme temperatures in LEGO Fortnite.
1. Upgrade Your Crafting Bench
Before you craft a Rare Pickaxe, you must upgrade your crafting bench to level 3 (Rare). However, for starters, you need 8 planks and 3 shells to upgrade your Crafting Bench to Level 2 (Uncommon) first.
Once done, you will need 12 knotroot rods, 15 marble slabs, 6 sand claws, and 3 sand shells to finally upgrade it to level 3. Follow the steps below to do so:
- Open your Crafting Bench and go to the Bench Upgrade tab.
- Now, click the Upgrade button (F key on PC, X on Xbox, Square on PS, and Y on Switch) if you have the necessary ingredients.

2. Craft Rare Pickaxe
Once you have upgraded the bench, it’s time to make the rare pickaxe. To begin, you need to get 3 flexwood rods and 3 sand claws. Convert the flexwood to flexwood rods in the Lumber Mill, and then use the steps below:
- Go to your Crafting Bench and find the Rare Pickaxe recipe.
- Now, click the Craft button (F key on PC, X on Xbox, Square on PS, and Y on Switch) to make a Rare Pickaxe.

Importance of Copper in LEGO Fortnite
As we mentioned, Copper is your first metal resource in LEGO Fortnite. As such, collecting copper unlocks a lot of new recipes and upgrade options that help you in mid-game progression. Once you collect copper, build a Metal Smelter to make copper bars. You can also build Ovens and Barrels using copper.
The copper bars will help you upgrade the crafting bench to epic rarity and craft important weapons or tools in the game. Craft a rare longsword, epic forest axe, and rare shovel using the copper bars. Moreover, you can get yourself an epic knight shield using the copper bars for defense purposes.
Now that you have collected a ton of copper, make sure you grab some obsidian and brightcore on your way out of the lava caves. What weapon are you going to craft first using copper in LEGO Fortnite? Do tell us in the comments below.