Google’s Area 120 Launches Keen, an Pinterest-like App That Curates Your Interests

Google’s Area 120 Launches Keen, an App That Curates Your Interests
Image: Google

Google’s experimental Area 120 lab has launched a new project named Keen. The project is in collaboration with Google’s People and AI Research (PAIR) team. The team calls it a “new way to curate, collaborate, and expand your interests.” In other words, consider it as Pinterest built on the foundation of Reddit – bonding over shared interests.

“Keen lets you curate the content you love, share your collection with others and find new content based on what you have saved,” explains CJ Adams, co-founder of Keen.

You can create new “keens” consisting of topics you care about. In each keen, you can add and save links, text, images, and web search results. Keen will group saved items in a “Gems” section.

The service will eventually recommend similar content, thanks to AI and Google Search integrations. Just like every other AI-based product, the recommendations will get better as you use it extensively.

You may simply follow keens created by other users in case you’re not feeling motivated enough to curate keens. This way, you get narrowed down versions of resources, which otherwise might have taken some time for you to manually find and group together.

To test out Keen, I signed in with my Google account and created a new Keen for cute cat videos. After a few saves of cats and cat-related videos to Gems, my Explore section got filled with seemingly relevant suggestions, as you can see below.

keen test

The onboarding process is quite simple with Keen. All you have to do is sign in with your Google account. You can use Keen through its website or as an Android app.

Download Keen (Android)

SOURCE Google Blog
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